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I was officially and utterly drained. Besides the fact that I had Kaden yacking away in my ear all day, dad had me running all around the field when the guys did drills today. The game wasn't even until next Friday and I was already busy on the field.

A good nap was very much so overdue.


Speaking of the freaking son of a demon.

I looked over my shoulder, narrowing my eyes as I watched Kaden—football gear bag thrown over his shoulder, his dark hair damp, and his helmet under his arm—walking out of the stadium and to his car.

My eyes turned to slits.

He didn't see me, thank god.

 I swear if he bothered me one more time today, I'd probably go nuts. I was so close, to pulling out all of my hair and murdering a certain someone across the parking lot. If it wasn't sexy-time jokes, he was annoying me by just standing there. His presence radiated this sort of vibe that made me want to turn around and run for the hills or hide behind something.

With my arms crossed over my chest, my brows seemed to fall further down my nose as I watched him walk across the parking lot.

Huh. That was weird. He still hadn't seen me standing against Casey's car. Usually the guy could spot me from anywhere, which was a talent I wished he did not possess. The shocking part about this whole ordeal was the fact that he was neither smirking or smiling. His face was just...blank. He strode across the lot, eyeing the ground in a serious manner as if he was thinking hard about something.

About what? Is what I wanted to know.

I narrowed my eyes even more. Hmm. Scheming, scheming.

"Can you get your ass in the car already and not look like some freaky kidnapper eyeing a poor, sexy soul across the parking lot?" Casey smirked at me, her window rolled down as I leaned against the car, "I have eyes everywhere, missy, and I know you were definitely just eyeing mister sexy muscles over there."

"I was eyeing him... I was just looking at him." I responded, rolling my eyes playfully.

"Mm-hmm. Sure. Whatever lame excuse you want to try on me. I'm not stupid missy, I see you and I see all of it." She cackled, throwing her hand back against the headrest, her hand resting on the steering wheel. "And by the way, there isn't a difference between eyeing and looking, butttt, who could blame you." She lowered her sunglasses down her nose, "Now that is one fine behind, nice and juicy-"

My jaw hit the floor and  I whirled around, hiding my face as if he had actually heard her from across the parking lot. Call me paranoid but I did not take chances, especially when he'd never let me live that down. Ever.

"Casey!" I hissed, swatting her arm.

"What?! He does, I mean come on. Sure most of the guys on the team have butts to die for, but Reyes... Now damn. I need to start eating or working out like that if I want results."

I'm sure Nolan would have something to say about his own behind as well...

Casey glared at me, "Don't look at me like that, woman. Us ladies need to bask in the good stuff while it's around before some hot chick with fake eyelashes and a body to kill for snatches them up all for themselves like greedy little trolls!" Her voice was clipped by the end of her little rant and she sighed heavily, dropping her hands into her lap.

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