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I was in the middle of brushing my teeth, my wet hair twisted up into a turban with a towel, when my face twisted into another expression of embarrassment as all the thoughts I'd had last night came rushing back to me.

Part of me wanted to blame it all on the exhausted state I'd been in yesterday, but I was very aware that while mulling over those exact thoughts—certain thoughts of Kaden being...well, romantically involved with another—still had feelings, the rotten sort, welling up in my chest.

Groaning, I smacked a hand to my forehead.

Oh god, I was the worst friend ever. What kind of friend got upset over that stuff?! Friends were supposed to root each other on when it came to all that lovey-dovey stuff, yet here I was feeling all... God, I didn't even know what the hell I felt...

Glancing at myself in the mirror again, toothpaste bubbled around my mouth, I shook my head at myself. Part of me was ashamed of the way I was acting in my thoughts, yet another part of me... that part felt strange. It was almost like that part of me was trying to show me something I couldn't quite see yet. Whatever it was, I'm sure it would reveal itself at the strangest, most awful of times. The universe was a bitch when it came to that stuff and I'm sure she'd not show me any mercy this time either.

Rinsing my toothbrush under the water, I cupped my hands to my mouth and rinsed my mouth out.

Whatever was going on with me, I needed to get to the bottom of it as soon as possible. I seriously didn't know how long I could go on like this, I mean take this morning as an example. I'd practically woken up with those thoughts on my mind, ready to bother me until I'd needed to untangle myself from Kaden's embrace and escape to the shower, away from those thoughts that threatened to swallow me whole.

Exhaling softly, I put my toothbrush in the little holder beside Kaden's sink and gently flipped the lights off as I opened the door quietly and exited.

For now, I'd push those thoughts and feelings away, I knew that my mind wouldn't let me forget anyway. At some point, a subconscious part of myself would make me face them head-on again, but right now, I'd compromised some time... hopefully.

Looking up, I found Kaden laying in his bed, sprawled in a way that was pure male. The sheets pooled at his waist and judging by the silhouette of his legs through the silky blankets, it was easy to tell that his legs were tossed away from each other. I wasn't sure if the he-demon had done it on purpose—I sure as hell hadn't left him with the sheets so damn low on his body—but because they were, a vast stretch of bronze skin lay on display. The morning light spilling in through his balcony doors did him many favors, kissing every curve, groove, and valley of his muscles. No detail lay without attention.

Holy mother of Jesus!

A small squeak echoed around the room and it took a hot minute for me to realize that I'd shamefully let out the exact noise.

Oh god, get yourself together, Emily!

Clearing my throat, I was about to turn around and find somewhere to collect myself when something caught my eye. My eyes narrowed instantly and I inched towards the bed.

Kaden's arms were wrapped up behind his head, offering a proper presentation of bicep muscles. His hair was messy, sticking in different directions, though most of those strands seemed to fall onto his face. Dark lashes kissed his cheeks gently and I took another step closer, narrowing my eyes, even more, knowing damn well the events that were about to play out in the next few seconds.

This little idiot.

A second passed, two, then three before his lips twitched and his chest seized up with laughter. Rolling my eyes, I smacked him on the chest, sitting down on the bed beside his lying body as he burst out laughing, "Nice try, dork, but I don't think Hollywood would ever hire you to play Sleeping Beauty."

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