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My brothers and I had gone through a few packs of patties, and I was pretty sure our poor father was exhausted from being in front of our grill all day. Dad had stayed with us for a few hours after eating but eventually made his way back to his office upstairs. As much as he wanted to be here, the championships were right around the corner. Every second counted.

Aiden, Isaac, and I were all on the couch now. My eldest brother and I were nursing a coke as we sat diagonal from one another. Aiden sat by himself on the couch next to me, a bowl of Doritos sitting on his lap. How was he still hungry?! I think he'd eaten six burgers in one sitting!

My face scrunched into a painful cringe as Aiden stuffed a handful of chips into his mouth. My stomach made a very displeased noise that felt more like a warning to hurry up and unbutton the second button on my jeans before there were some serious problems...

We'd been sitting here and talking for a few hours now, the golden light from the setting sun flooding into our living room. Swirling the contents of the soda can in my hand, I sipped the bubbly drink before setting it on the little coffee table in front of me.

"Ok, dude, you're making me sick." Isaac groaned, his face twisting as he watched Aiden eat.

Aiden shrugged, Dorito powder all over his mouth, "I'm still hungry."

"You can't be hungry! You had six burgers!" I laughed.

"I have a fast metabolism."

Isaac grimaced and shook his head, "At least don't stare at me while you're eating."

"I'm not staring at you."

"Yes, you are."

"No, you're just in my line of vision."

"You can look somewhere else!"

Aiden gave our eldest brother a deadpanned look, licking his Dorito-powder-covered fingers as he did, "Look where? At Emily? You want me to throw up on you?"

I snorted, amusement slipping onto my face as I flashed my second oldest brother a very... interesting little gesture.

"Look anywhere but me, buddy," Isaac growled.

"Hmph! I can look anywhere I want. It's a free country."

"Come over here and I'll show you what a free country looks like you little brat-"

The soft hum of my cellphone echoed from the back pocket of my jeans. I raised a finger, grinning, "Hold that wonderful thought, Isaac." Flashing Aiden a wicked little smile, I didn't bother looking at my phone as I answered, "You have reached the owner of this number, what can I do for you on this fine day?"

"Yes, I'd like to speak to Emily King." A beautiful and oh-so-familiar voice came down the line. "If you could, would you tell her that her husband is on the line? We have some urgent business to discuss."

The breath had vanished from my lips, and it only took a matter of seconds before a smile was spreading across my mouth. A loud BADUM was echoing in my chest, almost painfully.

Schooling my expression, I leaned back into my couch cushion, "I wasn't aware that Emily was married. Care to elaborate, mister?"

"My wife is a bit private," Kaden mused. "She's the jealous type, you see, so she likes to keep me all to herself. Thus, she locks me up in our bedroom and keeps me a secret because let's be honest, who wouldn't want to snatch me and the wonderfulness I am up?"

My eyes narrowed, "Ah. I see... I hope you know that it's our company policy to call the police on perverts."

Isaac was practically on my couch now, trying desperately to listen to who I was talking to. Placing my foot on his chest, I pressed him away as I sat up against one of the couch pillows. Nosy little bastard.

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