𝒇𝒖𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓-𝒊𝒏-𝒍𝒂𝒘

Start from the beginning

"Ma, you're so embarrassing! She's not my girlfriend; just a friend!"

"The 'friend' you had a study date with and confessed to you in front of the entire school?" Now it was Shirabu's turn to get all flustered.

"Oh, seriously ma! Can't you just shut u--"

"Ken-chan, don't you think it's rude to tell your mom that?" You suddenly appear which causes Shirabu to straighten up while Mrs. Shirabu smiles approvingly at what you say.

"Well, let's eat; shall we kiddos?" Mrs. Shirabu claps her hands. As you guys are eating, you and Mrs. Shirabu just happen to get along so well. Although Shirabu gets his bossy and blunt personality from his mom, he for sure did not get her humor. He felt so left out throughout the entire dinner.

'She literally told me that she wanted ME home because I haven't visited her and now she's just giving all of her attention to F/n." He rolls his eyes, but deep inside, he was very happy you two got along so easily. Suddenly, he is brought back to reality with what you guys say next.

"You'll really show me his baby photos?" you excitedly grin and lean closer to the table. Evilly laughing, Mrs. Shirabu nods.

"Of course, F/n-chan!"

"Ma, just stop it!! You're being really embarrassing!" Shirabu irks but his mom ignores him.

"How about we go look at them right now?" She gives an innocent smile to you as you happily nod.

"Do I even exist anymore?" He waves his hands.

"Well, since F/n-chan and I are going to look at some fat baby pictures of you; you can clean up!" Mrs. Shirabu grabs your arm and just drags you away to the living room, leaving Shirabu in shock.

"S-she's having too much fun teasing me!" An irk appears on his head as he starts cleaning up. In the living room, you two ladies are giggling the entire time.

"He really was chubby back then! It's so cute," you feel your heart clench at baby Shirabu's adorableness.

"I know! I was so surprised that as he got older, he became so skinny!" she laughs then relaxes. "Do you know how Shirabu is doing at school?" You lift your head to look at her and smile.

"He's doing great. Before, he would skip lunch and probably breakfast as well, but now, he's always eating lunch and dinner. Ken-chan is also always paying attention in class; he always makes sure to sit in the front row and keeps his eyes on the board. As for volleyball, he plays amazingly and helped bring their team to nationals!" you exclaim then look back down at a picture of Shirabu on the swings while eating a popsicle. "Sometimes though, I feel like he overworks himself too much, but I think he's slowly changing. He goes out to hang out with his teammates more rather than staying home to do his assignments. It also looks like he's always happy even though to others, it wouldn't look like it," you giggle. Mrs. Shirabu notices the way you talk about Shirabu and feels her heart warm up.

"That's good. I was afraid he'd be always keeping to himself and doing homework! I understand as kids get older, they mature, but sometimes, I feel like he matured too fast. I hardly see that big smile anymore," she disappointedly says as you both look at the picture with Shirabu smiling with all of his teeth.

"I'm sure he's aware of how he acts... I think he's just doing that because he wants to be the best son for you." You give her a smile which calms her down.

"I know that... Thanks for taking care of my baby," she says as you laugh.

"I think it's more like he takes care of me."

"Then both of you take good care of each other!"

"What are you guys talking about?" Shirabu walks up to you guys and sees pictures of him. "I was so fat," he comments.

𝒊 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒉𝒊𝒎! | 𝒔. 𝒌𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒊𝒓𝒐Where stories live. Discover now