Mind the Gap

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Mind the Gap by EvelynHail  & RainerSalt

(Check out the online comment HERE -> -> -> for the story link!)

Two strangers on separate trains, divided by uncaring glass.

A bond forms between them.

But will it hold when their trains are bound for different destinations?

Evan's heart has been bleeding since his little family was torn apart by divorce, and his nose runs with a cold. Trying to pick up the pieces of his life, he has changed cities, and he's about to change jobs. And he has run out of tissues.

A woman's blue hair catches his eye at a train station. And her smile, fortified by braces, catches his heart.

Sitting in her train, Iris revels in her future perfect. Her work is finally getting published and she has found Mr. Right. Nothing could go wrong now.

Gazing out of the window, she sees the stranger. He looks miserable and sneezes, but her hands want to tousle his bed hair.

A random encounter at a subway station. But both of them are caught in their tracks and when their trains pull apart, they don't expect to meet again.

Evelyn Hail Bio: An avid reader/book analyst and gamer, I hold a PhD in English Literature and a PhD in Latin American Literature.

I'm also all these other things <takes a deep breath>

Fistfighter, trained in katana fencing and dagger wielding, teacher of humanies from 1-101, philosopher-ish, lover of the stars and butterflies, friend of the cittenies and puppus, Neo mom (that's me tomcat, he is), Harry Potter fan, Nikola Tesla admirer, street ragamuffin at heart, Beauty and the Beast 2 in 1, magical realist, bacon cheese fries devourer, white chocolate adorer, illustrator.

Presently SOMEHOW juggling two jobs AND writing/drawing projects o.O ‍♀️

As a writer wannabe, I am mostly based in fantasy and magical realism genre, and their subgenres such as high fantasy, urban fantasy, and literary fiction.

Mind the Gap is my first venture into Romance Realm.

It's true though that, at some point in future, I would love to try my hand in other genres, such as science fiction, and humour.

As a reader, I love reading science fiction first and foremost but I there is no denying I also feel drawn to fantasy, mystery, humour and historical fiction genres.

Rainer Salt Bio: I'm originally a physicist, but my current job involves a lot of writing—boring, technical writing, that is. When I first blundered into Wattpad to stalk my daughter (with her permission), I had no idea that I'd ever want to do stories. But then it just happened: I got the virus.

It made me happy to find a community of seasoned folks here: the type of people who know that grownups dream, crave, love, and struggle just like any teen.

When it comes to writing and critiquing, I'm a stickler for grammar and other formalities, and I totally don't mind if others tell me where I go wrong.

But, on the other hand, I'm convinced that plot, story structure, and characters are much more important, and I love to analyze/hear what works and what doesn't in a book—it's a great way to learn the craft.

But, on the other hand, I'm convinced that plot, story structure, and characters are much more important, and I love to analyze/hear what works and what doesn't in a book—it's a great way to learn the craft

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