The Forgotten Hero

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The Forgotten Hero by Alecc0

When teenagers Liana Keamy and Jerrim Lightrun decided to run away seeking adventure, they couldn't have imagined what would be in store for them.

Coming across a strange old hermit hiding away from society, Liana and Jerrim find much more than the fabled treasure they were seeking, but with deadly consequences. They'll have to decide if they can trust the old man when danger comes looking for them, and hope to return home alive.

Author's Bio: After completing a BA in Digital Arts, Alex Pilalis pursued his interest of animation with an MSc in Computer Animation and an online course with Animation Mentor. He is currently an animator in the television and games industries, and writes in his spare time.

Alex began his publishing journey with two children's picture books, and was spurred on to write and create more. As a big science fiction and fantasy fan, heavily inspired by classic adventure stories such as The Lord of the Rings, the Star Wars films and Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Alex felt a great urge to tell his own story.

He spent the majority of his time growing up developing a video game adventure concept, and to this day has amassed hundreds of A4 pages, several filled notepads, dozens of word documents and a detailed Wiki, collecting all the ideas and images of the world as it progressed and became what it is today. Feeling the overwhelming need to bring the story to life and out into the ether, somehow, Alex decided to use his passion for writing and storytelling and turn the game into a novel, which has become Island Legends: The Awakening of James Island. Doing so has allowed him to delve into the character's minds and bring them to life so much more than he ever thought possible back when he was designing hit-point percentages of sword attack combinations, and the result is a much more mature and complicated story than his younger mind could have conceived. From there, he has gone on to write in multiple genres, including horror, romance, action, teen drama, along with many short stories of various styles and genres.

Alex can usually be found in a coffee shop in London writing on his laptop.

Alex can usually be found in a coffee shop in London writing on his laptop

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