*Twice+ featured on Wattpad's Editors' Choice*
*Ranked a winner of ONC 2019 and 2020*

Presently binge writing (this is like binge drinking, but with ink—or bytes—instead of alcohol)

In Deutsch: Zur Zeit am Komaschreiben (ist wie Komatrinken, aber alkoholfrei)

What I love: My wife, our kids, good reads, cheese & chocolate (not together, though), Cloud Atlas (the movie more than the book), Senza Parole (the wine, and also the mode of conversation), a place with a view.

Was ich nicht mag: Knatsch, Koriander, Käsefüsse.

Und an all jene, die es mit der Orthographie genau nehmen: Meine deutschen Texte sind in schweizerischer Rechtschreibung verfasst, ein ß sucht man darin also vergebens.

I love to read others' work and to give feedback, and I enjoy hearing what others think about mine. This kind of interaction is part of what makes this place so unique.
  • انضمFebruary 10, 2016

الرسالة الأخيرة
RainerSalt RainerSalt Sep 30, 2021 03:29PM
That moment when you see your work translated into another language: “Mind the Gap”, co-written with @EvelynHail, is now “El Último Tren“. So, if you like to read a funny, little love story in Spanis...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم RainerSalt
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The Egg at Dumstreet
[Completed] A U.S. expatriate is cast into a rainy, foggy corner of Europe. He went there on the pretense to...
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Walking the Ruins
[Featured Wattpad Story] A girl cast into the future, navigating a dystopian wilderness with her friends. Leo...
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Bunker Bird
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ranking #717 في science-fiction إظهار جميع المراتِب
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