Alec looked around the room for a sparring partner, and after finding none, he decided he would train alone. He decided to work on his long distance shots, so he got a tranquilizer gun and began shooting at a dummy on the far side of the room. For every shot you get in a critical area (head, heart, etc.) the dummy moves back a couple feet. The goal was to get it to move all the way back to the wall, about 50 feet away. Alec had done it before, but he always felt a sense of pride when he did it, because he knew that was something he was good at.

He was almost halfway done when someone tapped on his shoulder. He looked and saw it was Clary.

"Hey, um, Agent Lightwood has a mission for us. Jace asked me to come get you?" Clary said.

Alec put his gun down and turned to face Clary. "Let's go then," Alec said.

Clary and Alec made their way to Robert's office in silence. Once they got there, Alec opened the door and walked into the room where Jace and Izzy were waiting.

"Now that we're all here, let's discuss your mission. As you know, the Circle has been recruiting agents in order to try and take us down. He's already recruited agents from all other agencies, and we have intel that he's looking to train people to become agents. Now, although that might take more time, these agents will have only ever been loyal to him, unlike the recruited agents."

"So, your mission is to stop him from training these agents. We've scouted out possible areas where he'd been trying to recruit, and we found an underground fighting arena. Some of the best go and fight there. Recently, people have been coming up missing. We believe Valentine is behind it. Now, I want Alec and Izzy to go there tonight. Jace and Clary, I have another location for you two to look at..." Robert briefly went over Jace and Clary's mission, and then dismissed them.

Alec went back towards the training room. He wanted to get a little more training in before his mission with Izzy.


Alec and Izzy entered the fighting arena. Two huge, muscular men were surrounded by spectators of the fight going on between the two. One man body slammed the other and the man cried out in pain. He punched the man over and over until he fell unconscious. The man raised his hand in triumph and the crowd cheered. Alec began to step forward but Izzy put a hand on his shoulders. "I've got this," she said, and made her way to the man.

They exchanged a few words and it looked like Izzy was flirting with him, until she quickly flipped him on his back. The crowd gasped, and Izzy put her boot on the man's chest. She began to taunt the man, and then she took her foot off of him and walked away. The crowd dispersed as Izzy walked toward Alec with a grin on her face. "That's how it's done," she said.

Alec rolled his eyes and made his way to a man showing the crowd out. "Are you the owner of this place?" Alec asked.

The man nodded and offered a hand to Alec. "Harvey Young," he said. Alec took it and shook the man's hand.

"I've heard their have recently been..disappearances here. Could you tell me more about that?"

"You aren't with the police, are ya?" Young asked, looking at Alec and Izzy suspiciously.

"No, not at all. I was just curious. I have a friend who comes here often that told me about it."

"Well, there's not much to tell. After fights, I'll be cleaning up, the guys will be getting ready to leave, and the lights go off. When they come back on, someone'll be gone. Just like that."

Alec nodded. "Thanks for talking with us."

"Sure," he said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I better get to cleaning. This place doesn't tidy itself up."

Alec walked over to the side and spoke to Izzy. "I guess now we're just waiting for our moment," he said. They wait a minute or two, and then the lights go off. When they come back on, Izzy has a man's hands around his back. Alec pressed a gun to his head. "Who are you? Are you with the Circle? Did Valentine send you here?"

The man is silent. "Answer me!" Alec said. "Or I'll shoot."

The man stayed silent. "We'll take him to the Institute. We'll get answers out of him." Alec said.


"Stil nothing?" Alec asked.

Izzy nodded. "Yup, he won't budge."

Alec and Izzy took the Circle agent to the Institute. He did confess to being a Circle agent, but besides that, we haven't been able to get anything out of him.

"I don't know what Valentine does to them, but he won't say a thing. He just keeps going on about how the Circle will win the spy war and be the one and only agency." Izzy said.

"Well, if he's not gonna talk, we can't keep him down there forever."

"So what are we gonna do? Let him go? What good would that do?" Izzy asked.

Alec thought for a moment. "Maybe we could convince him to join our side?"

"Do you really think that would work? He seems pretty loyal to Valentine."

"We could ask Dad, see what he thinks about it."

Izzy shrugged. "I guess."

Alec and Izzy walked to Robert's office. Alec lifted his hand to knock on the door, but Izzy just let herself in.

"Hey, Dad," she said, cheerily.

"Izzy, Alec. What is it?"

"We were wondering if we could try to get the Circle agent to join our side." Alec said.

"Valentine is a master manipulator..."

Robert began.

"Yes, but if we could get him to see that, he may be more willing to tell us the information we need. He could work as a double agent..."

"We don't know how much influence Valentine has over him. Even if he agrees, we can't be certain he will be completely loyal to us."

"Then we start by letting him know little to no information, useless stuff. Maybe tell him a few lies. See if he's trustworthy."

Izzy nodded in agreement. "Give him the opportunity to betray us and see if he takes the bait."

Robert looked at Alec and Izzy sighed. "If you really think this is a good idea...fine, but if you suspect he's betraying us even for a second, get rid of him. Understood?"

Alec and Izzy nodded. "Get out of here, then. You have work to do." Robert said, and waved a hand to dismiss them.

Alec and Izzy left Robert's office with a smile. If this worked, they might finally have an advantage over the Circle. They could end this once and for all.

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