"Thank you. Thanks for making me feel so much better," I said as I hug her tight. 

     There was silence. Then Greyson suggested that I should eat dinner with them tonight. But I insisted since I have to fix all my clothes for tomorrow. It made him kinda down but I had to let it go. After a moment, I left their house and went back home. I checked my clock and it's almost 4 in the afternoon. I decided to lock myself in my room and gather all the things I have to bring.

     I brought 4 pairs of casual clothes and 2 pairs of pajamas. I don't know why I'm bringing too much but in case I have to extend my trip there, at least I'm ready.


     The next day, I just spent my day sleeping off. I don't know, I felt that I don't want to move or anything. Well, I'm lazy as usual but right now, I just want to stay in the four walls of my room and get my beauty rest. I don't want my mom to see me looking like a llama! (lol)

     Then there came the time to leave. It's quite sad that Greyson didn't bother to say goodbye to me. But it's fine. At least I can distance myself to him a little. Well yes, I like him but I think that Daniela suits him better. Daniela likes him, I know it. I can see it by the way she looks at him. And I know that Greyson likes her too. Sad, but true. I like Greyson but I don't want to be the reason of complications and all that. So I guess I'll just stay away.

     I hugged grandma, grandpa, Clio and Chase before going to the departure lounge.

     "Don't forget to text me when you get there!" Chase shouted as I was walking towards the entrance.

     I replied by giving him an ok-sure-fine-whatever expression and a smile.

     After hours of waiting in the plane, the captain finally announced that we are almost setting down Florida. I faced the window and my eyes were amazed with the twinkling lights from the buildings. It was like New York 2.0! From above, I can see the colorful decorations and fireworks that are probably coming from Walt Disney World. I and Paris have always wanted to spend a day here but since we're apart now, it'll be impossible for us to make that wish come true. But hopefully next time, we would just throw the time away and go back here in Florida. 

     "We are now about to land. Please wear your seatbelts as long as we are still moving. The captain will announce it once it's safe to take it off. Thank you!" 

     As we land down the airport, I felt like my heart dropped into my stomach. It really freaked the hell out of me but I still managed to handle it. After a while, the captain finally gave the cue that we can already unlock our seatbelts. 

     When I descended from the plane, I immediately got into my feet to grab my luggage. Consequently, I already went to the arriving lounge where my mom said she'll be waiting. It didn't take too long until I found her waving at me. Swiftly, I ran towards her and gave her a big hug.

     "How was your flight, sweetheart?" She asked as Nicolas get my bag from me. Wait, Nicolas is here?! I was surprised when our eyes met so I also gave him a warm embrace.

     "It was fast. I didn't notice that we're almost here until the captain announced it. Anyway, you didn't tell me that Nicolas is here!" I said wiht a big grin painted on my face.

     "Well...I knew that you would ask me to let him go with you to Edmond if I say it," she said with a suspecting look on her face.

     "You know me so much, mom. But I don't need Nicolas that much anymore. Your baby's now a big girl, if you haven't asked," I said confidently. 

     "Oh really?!" She said.

     "That's good, Ashley. Now you're getting older, it's better if you're learning to be independent already," Nicolas said as he patted my shoulder.

     The chitchat went on as we rode the car. It's great having my people around me once again. Now that we're off to the place where they stay, I'm kinda getting nervous to see my daddy. But I have to be strong, just for him. 

     It was a 15-minute drive before we arrived to where they live. The house was covered with green vines and in front, was a large window. The grasses in the porch were carefully cut into the same height plus, roses are aligned by the sidewalk. It was a pretty house, very cozy and modern.

     As I went inside, a large staircase met my eyes. Into my left was the kitchen and into my right side was the living room. The marble floor was quite fancy for a temporary house. It was a great touch to keep the elegance firm. The black leather sofas also kept the whole design look classy. Also, the metal statuettes gave a touch of sleek into the house.

     And into the kitchen, the stainless counters were shiny as ever. All the utensils and kitchenwares were carefully arranged into its respective closets. But most of all, the dining room just gave me a full shock. It was large; too big for a handful of people. Chairs weren't just chairs; it looked like thrones. The black mahogany chairs with its matching white plushies were dashing!

     "Mom, don't you think this house is too much for y'all?" I asked like a little kid.

     She gave out a deep sigh and said, "I wanted this; not for me, but for your dad. I want him to live in a beautiful house while he's trying to fight. It's the least I can do. Care for him and try to make him happy."

     "Where is he, by the way?" I enquired.

     "He's upstairs, in our room. Take a left once you ascend and you'll see a two-doored room," she explained and I nodded. "I'll call you when dinner's ready," she added.

     I ran up the shiny stairs as I brushed my hands through the smooth railings. I took a left and immediately saw the room. 

     I got quite nervous as I turned the knob of the room. And when I opened it, there he was, lying on his bed, looking like a withered celery. 

     It was grueling to see him like that. My enthusiastic and gleeful father is now a sad and miserable one. 

     I tried to talk to him but his personal nurse said that he has difficulty in speaking. Also, she said that he's having a hard time in doing such things and he has a lot of changes in mental status, such as excessive sleepiness, memory problems, or inability to concentrate. She also said that he is currently double-visioned and everything is to blurry but only on his left side.

     It was really devastating for me to hear those things. Now, I can't do the things that I used to do with him before. I will truly miss the times where we would just spend the day surfing, or maybe just walking around the hacienda, chatting about my future, the times where we would climb up a mountain together with my cousins and most of all, the times when he would carry me around like a princess and treat me like a queen. I swear, in this moment, I just wish that I could exchange places with him. I can't stand seeing him like this.


Hi everyone! I'm really sorry if it took so long for me to update. I'm such a horrible writer :( I apologize to each one of you for keeping y'all waiting. I wish I can make it up to every single one of you. It's just, I've been really busy at school and I'm hoping that you understand.

Anyway, I want to know what you think about this chapter :) Please comment your feedbacks down below! To my silent readers, please please please tell me your comments! And if you liked this chapter, please vote for it. It will mean so much to me if you do! <3 So yeahp, thanks for reading and don't forget to share this to your friends. Love you all so much ~ Krissy x

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