"What did you do to them?"

"I walked over to their table and silently farted!" Zayn giggled and Marcel laughed.

"That's probably the best story I've heard."

Zayn nodded smiling, "And then I sat at another table and watched their faces almost turn green cause of the smell. I ate to many jumbo shrimp, but they sure we're yummy."

"I bet they were. Now go finish up your amazing art work." Marcel smiles.

"Ok Marcy!" Zayn cheers running back to his art work.

It took Zayn about two hours to complete the remaining four of the eight total paintings. He's a bit nervous on what the people reactions are when they see it later today and only hopes for the best.


Zayn stood in awe looking at the headlines of a small art gallery that said Graffiti Art Work By Zayn Malik with flashing lights. Zayn wasn't expecting to hit this big in fame and he's forever grateful for having all this success.

Zayn walks in with Marcel right behind him with watchful eyes making sure nothing happens to him. Zayn was amazed by how many people wanted to see his work. He's never been so over joyed in his life.

"Zayn, over here." Liam called from the podium were all eight life-size drawing of his work are their, but conceal under a white silk sheet.

"Yes Li-Li."

"You will have to explain all work in front of all these people."

"But I get nervous when I public speak." Zayn whine.

"It would be amazing for you to discuss each art work you've done. I'm sure you will get the people to fall in love with your charm."

"You really think so?" Zayn asked giddy.

Liam softy smile, "I know so. Your the most lovable person I've known Zayn. I apologize for any rude remarks I've said to you. I come off grumpy, but your just to adorable to be mistreated by me."

"I accept your apology Li-Li. I'm ready."

"Good luck." Liam say, then gave a hug to Zayn, then he got up to the podium tapping at the microphone to get the people's attention.

"Hiiii everyone. Welcome to my art gallery show. Is everyone excited like I am?" Zayn says excited, bouncing a little because he was nervous. People clap showing Zayn that their excited to see his work.

"I'm happy that you are. Now I'm going to explain each art work that I've done, I hope like it." Zayn rambles, then the silk white sheet dropped showing everyone all eight art pieces.

"Ok first painting is dedicated to my fan base. It a painting of the word fan, but made up of their letters, now I couldn't get everyone name, but it's the thought that counts. I try doing more pencil art now and adding little touches of spray paint for uniqueness."

Zayn becomes more confident after every painting he explains, he finally about to explain his last painting.

"And lastly the painting I love the most is the one with me jumping on Liam. He's the reason why I'm hear talking to you guys buying my art work. If it wasn't for him, my dreams wouldn't come true. Thank you Li-Li!" Zayn shouts and people loudly clap for Zayn's charm and they love all his work.

"You did an amazing job Zayn, I'm so proud. Thank you for putting me into your drawings. I'm going to talk with people about price ranges, a lot of them are wanting to buy them." Liam gushes.

"Your welcome Liam. Have you seen Marcel?"

"Yeah, he's outside on the phone, but he was here watching you talk. I bet he's proud of you as well."

"Thank you Liam, I'm going to the bathroom really quick."

"Ok, hurry back." Liam says and Zayn nodded running into the bathroom.

Zayn exit the bathroom stall and went to the sink to wash his hands.

"Hello." A guy says coming into the bathroom.

"Hi did you like my art work?"

"I love it, your Zayn right?"

"Yeah and your name?"

"Niall Horan." He smirks eyeing Zayn up and down.

"Unique name, I love it."

"Thanks cutey, mind taking a picture with me?"

"Sure." Zayn gushed.

Niall crouched down put this hand on Zayn's lower back holding his camera out to take the pic with Zayn. After the picture was taken, Niall picked up Zayn and placed him on top of the sink counter roughly kissing his neck. He couldn't control his urges.

"Niall stop! That tickles." Zayn giggled.

"Baby you know you like it. I can't wait to give you the D."

"I don't like the D." Zayn pouted.

"You will soon, baby." Niall grinned.

"I got a lot of D in my school."

"W-What?" Niall stutter.

"Yeah lots of Ds in my report card, I'm so happy I don't have to go back to school." Zayn cheered swinging his feet back and forth.

Niall laughed pressing his face on Zayn's neck, "I love your innocents baby, it drives me insane. Now close your eyes, I have a surprise."

"I love surprises." Zayn happy claps closing his eyes. His nose was mean't with a cloth filled with chloroform, he tried to struggle, but it was no use. Niall picked him up and exit the bathroom and headed to the empty hallway towards the emergency exit without anyone knowing.


And so the Stockholm Syndrome begins :) I'm excited.

I simply adore writing innocent Zayn.



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