"Strange way to try and convince me to keep you on as a friend, Potter. Sounds like you're damaging my reputation."

"What makes you think I'm trying to convince you of anything? I reckon when you get tired of me, you'll drop me." Albus gestured. "You ready?"

"I don't drop people." Scorpius nodded, leading the way out of the dormitories. The shorter boy follows after him, through the halls towards the Great Hall where the Dance was taking place. They were already late, naturally. "Usually it's the other way around."

"Let's agree to disagree. You dropped your childhood friend Oliver, didn't you?"

"It wasn't like that." Scorpius retorts. Albus met his gaze and shrugged.

"Well, how would I know?" They walk towards the entrance where a seventh year student was accepting tickets. Albus passed the two of them over. As they walked inside where music was blaring, they still spoke.

"You want the entire story of a relationship that means nothing now?" Scorpius wondered, the question sounding provoking.

"Relationship?" Albus rose an eyebrow curiously.

"Friendship. Whatever you want to call it."

"Well, of course I want the full story. You don't let many people get close to you. I'd like to know why he was so special that he was allowed inside the circle of trust." Albus explains. "But only when you're ready to tell me."

"And if I'll never be ready to tell you?"

"Guess we'll see, won't we? If you don't drop people then you're stuck with me. Eventually I imagine I'll unravel all the backstory of you." Albus smiles brightly. Scorpius chuckles, rolling his eyes at the optimism. "Oh look, there's Raven and Ashton. I'm going to go say hi." Albus points across the room. Raven was done in a pretty navy blue dress with white shining snowflakes on it. In fact, if one looked closer it actually looked like the dress was spelled to look like snow was falling in the very fabric. It was beautiful. Ashton was dressed neatly as well, matching her in the dark blue and white. Scorpius watched as he put a white flower corsage on Raven's wrist. She was blushing at the action.

"I'll see what they're offering for drinks." Scorpius replies, knowing that going over there wouldn't bring a happy reunion with his twin. This wasn't the time or place to hash out all the details of the fact he was Cypress Black's son. Right now, the consolation that Draco had in fact, not disinherited him upon Raven's request was enough to reassure him that she still cared about Scorpius. Even if she was still coming to terms with the fact they weren't siblings. They were hardly even family members. Distant and removed, definitely.

Scorpius made his way towards the snack bar, asking the girl who was working it what were the drink options. He orders two of the fruity drinks she suggested, and turned to look around the room as he waited. The entire room was bathed in white and silver. Bright winter colors. The sky ceiling above them had soft snow drifting downwards. Of course, it wasn't real snow and therefore nothing actually touched the ground. A few professors were chaperoning, but they looked too busy talking and laughing amongst themselves to pay attention to the students.

"Scorpius. You look nice." Christine walks up to grab a cookie from a platter. She was in a dark pink dress, going down to her ankles. It was strapless but she had covered her arms with long gloves, probably to keep the chill off. "Where's your boy?" She wondered. Scorpius gestured to where Albus was talking with Ashton and Raven.

"Where's yours?" He wondered. Christine looks back at him from Albus at the question. She points over to a group of guys smiling and laughing.

"The one in all black." Scorpius spots him, but didn't recognize him. He'd seen his face around, but he wasn't particularly popular or anything. Not even on the Quidditch team, otherwise Scorpius would've recognized him. "He's a Ravenclaw. I'm his beard." Christine explains. Scorpius felt like he was slapped across the face.

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