Christmas Day and Troubling Pains

Start from the beginning

Taking out a necklace, Amy then turned around and moved her hair out of the way so the hero could put it on for her as a soft blush made its way to her face though she managed to stay still then once the necklace was secured, the pinkette turned around.

Only to notice how close they were as the two soon took a step back "whoops," she said with a nervous laugh while Sonic chuckled glancing to the side.

"Yea," he replied with a sheepish smile on his face before he began cleaning up the table "oh, hey. Since the storms calmed down and all, you wanna go for a walk later," the blue hero asked with a raised brow.

"Yea, sure," Amy replied happily as she smiled instantly forgetting her earlier embarrassment.

Then with that plan put into place, Amy left to go get dressed for the weather her tail wagging happily as Sonic grinned.




The two were now taking a nice walk around the snow-covered ground as Amy hugged herself to remain warm though, the place around her was so pretty covered in glittering snow.

"This was a good idea," she soon said "yeah," Sonic replied while looking around a bit before readjusting the scarf he had on him to keep warm.

"Have you been in contact with Cream and Vanilla lately?" the blue speedster asked as his ears perked up "yeah, I was able to call them a few times, though I'm planning on calling them agian later on," Amy replied with a soft tilt of her head.
"How are Sonia and Manic doing?" she soon asked curiously "they're doing pretty good, both of their houses are still stable so that's good," Sonic says while clapping his hands together behind his head.

"That's good," the pinkette replied with a soft smile until Sonic's ears perked up when he held his hand out to stop Amy from moving forward when a robot landed in front of them causing Snow to fly everywhere.

Amy yelped and covered her face as Snow flew their way when the blue hero only shielded his eyes before glaring at the robot in front of him.

"You agian?" Sonic said a bit annoyed before relaxing a bit as he smirked "long time no see," he soon said slowly moving to step in front of Amy while the robot that looked like him followed the hero with its eyes.

"Sonic, who is that?" Amy asked a bit surprised as she peeked from behind him causing the robot to glace at her for a second before looking back at Sonic.

"He's called Metal Sonic, another one of Eggman's ideas," the hero replied.

Then with that, Sonic and Metal Sonic got into a fight with one another, though to Amy it kinda look like they were playing a game of Simon says in away or copycat maybe?

Hugging herself to keep warm she frown a bit with worry for the blue speedster, though she did make sure to slowly back away to stay out of the two's fighting range for just in case.

Until Sonic ended up getting stabbed out of nowhere as he winced holding his side where the object was located, while Metal Sonic stopped fighting and just stood in front of the in pain hero, "SONIC!" Amy called out now running over while the robot looked at her, before slowly backing away watching them quietly.

"Oh my god, Sonic, Sonic," she said worriedly while the hero groaned "Amy please, stop shouting..." he said as his ears pressed against his head to dampen the noise that was surrounding him.

"Sorry..." the pinkette then whispered until the hero finally leaned into her heavily as she caught him.

"Lets...Get you home," the pinkette mumbled to which Sonic gave a slight nod of his head while Metal Sonic stared at the two for a while, before flying off once his job was completed and no longer needed to deal with the blue speedster anymore.




Once the two returned to Sonic's home, Amy helped the hero get onto the couch before going to close and lock the door then ran to grab a first aid kit.

Sonic leaned heavily into the couch as he soon glanced down at what was launched into his side, only to see a large needle sticking out of him as it took everything in him to not freak out at the sight of the thing.
Taking a deep breath, the blue speedster, then grabbed the metal needle tightly as his hands began shaking violently.

Before pulling it out and tossing it to the ground grunting in pain, as he quickly grabbed his bleeding side, when Amy returned.

"Sonic, you should have waited for me," she scolding him a bit as Sonic's ears pressed against his head once more "sorry..." Amy then whispered while placing the kit down then lightly pushed Sonic's hands away to get the hero's jacket off, so she could get a good look at his wound, so she could treat it.

"I'm also sorry," the hero mumbled while glancing towards the needle that was on the floor it was making him extremely nervous already.

But he tried to focus on Amy taking care of him "hey, Amy...Once your done can you...Thow that outside..." he hesitantly requested.

"Sure," the pinkette answered without questioning the hero's hesitation "thanks..." Sonic replied as he soon trained his eyes on Amy's hands as a form of distraction for him.
Then after a while, Sonic was fully patched up as the pinkette grabbed the needle "I'll step outside for a second ok," the pinkette soon says to which the hero nodded his head in understanding.

Sonic's POV

I should have seen that coming...

But what is in that thing, they injected me with? I bet it was another one of Egghead's schemes to try and get control over him agian but I won't let him.

I grabbed at my side tightly, and hunched over in pain. It felt like by body was being torn apart. It hurts...

Everything was starting to become louder so I lowered my ears to dampen the sounds around me before laying on my side 'I need to tell Manic and Sonia what happened...So they can prepare themselves for ever comes next...'

Third Person POV

Amy had soon returned with a shocked look on her face, as she had taken a long look at the needle that was in Sonic's side earlier.

She knew something was off about that sudden event that accured during their walk.

It was all, that egg's fault!

The pinkette closed the door carefully and locked it before quickly getting to Sonic's side as he was curled up into himself on the couch holding his side tightly "Sonic," she whispered not wanting to be too loud for him since he had told her earlier she was being far too loud.

But she needed to calm down and not panic.

"Sonic," she whispered once more as she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder finally earning his attention as he groaned a bit "just...give me a second...this'll go away soon," he said through pained breaths.

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