How To: Perfect Selfie

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how to : perfect selfie

♥︎ make sure you have light. try to
take it by a window because natural
light makes it look better than taking
it by a lamp. you dont want a ton of
light because then you look white like
a ghost and sometimes your nose/lips
/eyes might disappear from your face.
♥︎ use your phones back camera rather
than the front facing camera because
the back has much higher quality pictures.
♥︎ make sure its a picture you would want people to see. be sure you have on
nice clothes and you could do your
hair and put on a little makeup. have
a cute and girly background of maybe
your room, outside, etc.
♥︎ use cute and girly filters from apps like superimpose or other editing apps. add hearts/words/emojis with phonto or
other apps like that and it will add a lil something to your selfie.
♥︎ be sure to try different angles because
each angle might show off a feature of
you that you might really like.
♥︎ lastly take a lot of selfies. i know when
i take them, i end up with like 50 or more selfies with only 1 or 2 that i like but that's because im ugly lol. but im sure with you guys, each one will be perfect!

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