get your 8 glasses a day

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don't like plain water? here's how to get your 8 glasses a day :) requested by the lovely @avengers_girl11


1- eat soups and fruit and vegetables to help you stay hydrated. we get liquid from the food we eat. 🍵🍎

2- try lemonade or orange juice  lemonade is mostly made up of water so that'll keep you from dehydration.🍋

3- coconut Water is one of the best options. this beverage only includes 46 calories. it also hydrates the body while providing other beneficial nutrients, such as vitamins and amino acids.🌈

4- tea is a healthy alternative to water. it comes in a variety of natural flavors. personally i can't drink tea without a side of biscuits and cookies. it just tastes so good. ☕️🍪

5- watermelon. who doesn't like watermelon. i mean if you don't you have to lol jk. 92% of watermelon is water. it also provides texture, flavor, and vitamins. such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and thiamine. 🍉💦

to know more about benefits of water, check out my first chapter!
hope this helps !! :)

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