time-saving tips

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-its finally August-


time-saving tips
in the (school) mornings 💘
• for more tips, click my tag ↷
cc: diysforgirlss #tutorialicioustips
if you're always late to school, here's the perfect guide for you xx
↠ pack your bag when you're done with your homework the night before
↠ put your alarm nowhere near your bed so you'll be tempted to get up faster
↠ pick your outfit out the night before: click #serenatip for my tip in the mornings
↠ don't put too much makeup on (if you put makeup)
↠ don't spend too much time on your hair, check out my quick hairstyles tutorial
↠ if you don't eat breakfast, eat an apple in the car, this contains more energy than coffee
↠ don't go on your phone when you wake up, this wastes the most time
↠ shower the night before instead of the morning
↠ prepare your lunch the night before
↠ lay out all your makeup the night before so you won't spend your time looking for them
↠ set your alarm clock 15-20 mins earlier

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