School Hacks

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How to: School Hacks

- having trouble with math h.w? go to

- chewing gum when taking a test helps you concentrate more.

- chewing the same gum flavor when taking a test as you did when studying will improve your memory.

- having an apple instead of coffee has more energy and helps you have a way better morning.

- to stay awake chew mint gum or you can chew cinnamon flavored gum.

- go to when writting an essay to get more info.

- laying down helps you focus better.

- you can focus more on a test when having an empty stomach.

- leave all your clothes and stuff ready so you can sleep more before getting ready to go to sleep.

- your parents are always late when dropping you off from school? set the clocks 5 mins earlier or just put on the wrong time on them.

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