long car rides

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guide to long car rides :


🌟 ∘ intro
below is a guide to help you plan for
a long car ride in the best possible way.
🚠 ∘ know your location
make sure that you have directions and anything you may need when driving. you may have to pay tolls when going over a bridge depending on where you live. keep loose change near you.
👗 ∘ dress comfortably
if you're spending a few hours in a car in the same position, you want to dress in something comfortably. aim towards a sweatshirt, leggings, sweatpants, or loose t shirt.
💅🏼 ∘ avoid makeup
you're going to be sitting in the car with your family or friends, they've seen you at your worst and it's not without makeup. if it makes you feel confident i understand, but it's best to avoid unnecessary clogging of pores and use of products.
🔌 ∘ charge electronics
the night before, make sure that you have any electronic you're going to use charged up and have the charger with you incase your car has an outlet or for when you arrive to your destination.
🎒 ∘ pack accordingly
make sure that you pack for wherever you are going and also that you pack a smaller bag with snacks, games and chargers that you keep with you.
💤 ∘ bring a pillow+blanket
if you're one that loves their sleep or you're traveling early, bring a blanket incase you get cold/to cuddle and a pillow to rest your head on.
🍴 ∘ avoid eating+drinking
if you over eat, you may irritate your stomach and if you drink too much, you'll have to use the bathroom anyway. eat and drink once you arrive within 20-30min of your destination.
🎲 ∘ bring small games
if you have a sibling or friend with you, play cards, tic tac, hang man, or i spy. you can also download games from the app store, make sure that they do not require wifi. avoid using your cell phone data.

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