Summer : Pool Party

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Summer Pool Party Must-Haves
Part 3 of the Summer Series

😋 ⇝ towels:
before you leave the house don't forget to bring a towel! you don't want to be the only one dripping wet when everyone is leaving the pool dry with there towels -
💖 ⇝ cute pool floaties:
they have the cutest floaties on amazon like (smarties, pretzel, donut, ice cream sandwich, e.t.c.) & is way cheaper than any other place so definitely go to amazon
🎶 ⇝ music:
this is kinda obvious but its having awesome music playing. get some music and you'll have a fun time w/ friends and family
🔆 ⇝ sunscreen:
you need sunscreen obviously guys! super important need it to protect yo self
👛 ⇝ essentials bag:
have a sesperate bag to carry your sunscreen, lip balm, and e.t.c. it doesn't have to be a big bag you can buy a small one for just your small items
💄 ⇝ lip balm & waterproof mascara:
need lip balm and mascara so you don't get burnt or dry lips and water proof mascara so you don't look like a raccoon
📷 ⇝ diy photo booth:
get a table cloth and tape it up anywhere you would like a fence, wall, e.t.c. then get some garland from target and put it up on the fence or wherever you put the table cloth. then have some props and a camera
🍓 ⇝ diy fruit Popsicle:
pick any fruit that you want and a Popsicle holder and put your fruit in the container. then get any kind of juice to put in the container with the fruit, & freeze it then, ta daaa

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