life hacks

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⌚️ always running late in the mornings? make a music playlist that is exactly as long as it takes you to get ready, starting off with slower music going to faster music
😴 heavy sleeper? put your phone in a glass cup (it amplifies the sound) so your alarm will be louder
💧 fill a water bottle a quarter of the way and put it in the freezer overnight on its side. then in the morning you can fill up the bottle with water
☕️ put coffee in an ice tray so your iced coffee doesn't get watered down
🍕 put a small amount of water in a glass in the microwave along with pizza so the crust doesn't get chewy
👟 break in your shoes but wearing thick socks with the shoes and blow drying them for 5 minutes
💆🏻 hang command hooks on the inside of your bathroom cabinet so you can hang your blow dryer, curling iron or whatever heat tools you own
📖 use to research for essays
☁️ use nail polish remover to get rid of stains on the rubber part of shoes
😅 accidentally texted the wrong person? put your phone on airplane mode immediately, wait until it says failed to deliver to delete it
💍 paint rings with clear nail polish on the inside to prevent your fingers turning green

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