Dont do that, it's cute.

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It's been a week since I have hung out with Gilinsky. I mean, I'm not really that upset about it. I've been having fun hanging with Casey - when you can get her away from Johnson - I kinda just miss him. Jack and Jack are throwing a huge party tonight and I'm still deciding if I'm going to leave my room or not. It's 7:00 pm, so if I wanna go, I have to get ready now. It won't hurt to have a few drinks, right? I get out my makeup bag and get ready. By the time I was done and dressed, people have already started arriving.
"Hey." A guy nodded at me as I walked out of my bedroom.
"Hi?" I said back, not wanting to be rude. I made my way to the living room where the music was blasting from. I scanned the room for atleast one person I knew. I spotted Matt and walked over to him,
"Well, if it isn't the famous T." He smiled.
"Well, if it isn't the famous Espinosa." I mimicked him. There's something about Matt, that always makes you smile. He just like, radiates happiness.
"I haven't seen you in ages." He side hugged me, and I hugged back.
"T!" I hear Nash scream as he ran up to me.
"Hello, Nash." I tried to say all fancy like as he pulled me into a hug.
"You know, I've kind of missed you." He laughed and released from the hug.
"Woah, don't get to emotional now" I laughed, "Hey, have you seen Casey?" I continued, looking for her in the now much larger crowd.
"Yeah, she's with Johnson. Probably doing the dirty." Matt interrupted and I hit him playfully.
"Okay, I'll see you guys later, alright?" I say as I see Mahogany in the corner on her phone. They nod and I walk over to her, and she doesn't even notice me.
"Ew." I say sarcastically as I push into her gently.
"Oh my gosh! T!" She looks up from her phone and squeals.
"I didn't know any of you guys were coming tonight!" I say hugging her.
"I know, everyone's here! I haven't seen you in age-hey, is that Carter? I'll see you soon, babe." She says, already leaving me. This music is way too loud, I think to myself as I start to get a headache. I decided on going to get an aspirin from the kitchen. When I walk in, I see Gilinsky, Johnson, Casey & the dolan twins all hanging out drinking. Casey's up on the bench, with Johnson in the middle of her legs, and the other boys are all laughing at something on Grayson's phone. Everyone goes quiet and they all look at me.
"I was, just uh, getting a drink." I lie, not wanting to kill the mood.
"I'll get you one." Grayson winks at me, and I awkwardly laugh not sure how to react.
"I'm sure she can get it herself." Gilinsky said harshly, and Grayson eyes widen and looked at me, before realising who I am.
"Oh, you're T?" He ask me, looking kind of shocked. Gilinsky hit him hard.
"That's me." I laughed, sending Casey the 'save me' look. She caught on quickly this time, and spoke up.
"OUCH HELP OUCH." She screamed. I laughed at how bad at acting she was but it definitely took the attention off me. Johnson immediately turned around and asked her what was wrong, but she didn't say anything. After a few minutes, she still hasn't said anything.
"It's her..foot." I blurted out at the exact same time as Casey pointed to her foot.
"Best friend telepathy, right?" I say nervously as they all stare at us. I jog over to the fridge and grab a bottle of Smirnoff Vodka and and a bottle of water before grabbing an aspirin and quickly taking it with the water.
"You okay?" I hear his voice behind me.
"OH MY GOSH. ITS BROKEN." Casey yelled and I tried to fight back the laughter.
"I'm fine, I just got the water for Casey." I smiled at him then walked over to to Casey and handed her the drink, hoping he will leave me alone.
"I believe this is yours." Gilinksy says, handing me the bottle of alcohol.
"Thank you." I took the drink then hugged Casey before leaving. Right when I left, I hear Casey say perfectly fine; 'Oh it's better now. I don't think I broke it. Maybe I just hit it. Oops.' I laugh at her and how ridiculous her plans are. I quickly text her thank you and return to the living room.
"Teeeeeeeeee" I hear a drunk Nash sing as he slung his arm around me. He smelt like beer and cheese pizza, mainly beer.
"I was away for like, 10 minutes and you're drunk already." I laughed, shaking my head.
"But I love you. I loveee you." He laughed.
"Yeah, yeah. I love you too." I roll my eyes and push his arm off me, but he quickly reattaches it. I see Carter next to me grinding with some girl, so I grab his arm and pull him to me.
"Hey Carter, here's your drunk friend, deal with him. Love you." I say quickly so he has no choice, then kiss his cheek and walk away before he can complain. I smile as I walk past everybody to my room. I shut the door behind me and sigh, finally letting my cheek bones relax. Parties are tiring. I open my drink and take a sip, kicking off my heels and laying down in my bed. Okay, I know I said I was going to be apart of the party but things don't always go as planned. As much as I love Nash, I hate drunk guys throwing themselves all over you.
I woke up with two arms wrapped around my waist and a warm body pressed against mine. Maybe I was drunker than I thought, because I didn't remember going to bed with someone. I quickly look down and see I'm only in my bra and underwear. Oh my gosh. Holy shit. I just lost my virginity to a guy that I don't even know, and I was too drunk to remember it. Fuck. I don't even remember going back out to the party. I turned around to face the person and when I did, he tightened his grip on me. I look up only to see Gilinsky opening his eyes. He looks straight down to my topless body then back to me with wide eyes.
"Did w-"
"I don't know." I say embarrassed, pulling the sheet over me. We stay like that for a while before he finally releases me. I got up from the bed and ran over to me closet, trying to find clothes.
"Stop." I say, I could practically feel him staring at me.
"Stop looking at my ass, asshole." I find a cute pair of white lace shorts and quickly put them on. I find my blue superman shirt in the drawer and place it on, knowing I wouldn't go anywhere today.
"You wish I was looking at your ass." He smirks and I sit on the bed, feeling a lot more comfortable with clothes on.
"Whatever. Okay, so you need to tell me what you remember from last night because I don't even remember going back out there." I demand.
"Nothing, babe. But who cares if we had sex, it's not like I took your virginity." He laughs and I look at him, my cheeks turning red. I scrunch my eyes tight hoping when I open them this will all be a dream. Gilinsky finally catches on a lets out a loud laugh and I cross my arms over my chest.
"I'm sorry, I just thought." He says between breathes, trying to return to normal.
"Yeah. I know. Now can we figure out why I was half naked with you in my bed?"
"I honestly don't remember anything."
"Well, think. Try harder." I say harshly.
"I remember cuddling you." He says after half an hour that felt a lot more like 5 hours. We were now in the kitchen, cleaning up the left over pizza and rubbish from last night.
"Anything else? That doesn't really tell me anything." I sigh, tying the full garbage bag and tossing it to the side, getting a new one. Gosh, drunk people are so messy.
"I got nothing." He props himself up on the counter.
//Flash back//
"No! Go away Jack. I hate you." I giggled pushing him off me.
"Oh, do you now?" He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder, running into my bedroom.
"Jack Finnegan Gilinsky! Put me down!" I poke his ribs so he will let me down.
"I told you to never, ever, everrrr mention my middle name." He kicks the door shut and throws me on my bed.
"Jack.." I say quietly as I stare at him. Before I could do anything, his lips were on mine and his arms were beside my head, pinning me down. Our lips moved perfectly in sync, like they were made to fit. This isn't our first kiss, but it sure feels like it. He moves his left hand to my waist and traces small circles into my hip. I laugh into the kiss, eventually pushing him off me.
"Stop, I'm ticklish there!" I laugh crawling away from him. He follows me and continues to tickle me, even though I just told him not to. I get up from the bed and almost trip over the heels I had taken off earlier. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me back.
"Jack, no. I have to get changed." His hands let go of me and I remove my high waisted skirt and shirt, then look through my clothes for something to wear to bed.
"You're taking too long." Jack pouted, sitting on the bed. I walk over to him with an oversized flannel in my hand ready to put on.
"Don't do that. It's cute." I push into him and drop the flannel as I fall onto the bed. Jack and I pushed eachother for awhile before I decided I was tired.
"Goodnight." Jack placed a soft kiss and my lips.
"I remember." I sigh, placing my head in my hands.
"You do?" Jack smirked.
"Oh my gosh, Jack! Have you known the whole time?" I move my head up from my hands and look at him smiling happily at himself.
"I didn't drink last night, you know.." He flashes one of his famous smirks and I walk over and hit him.
"Did you get me drunk?" I prop myself up onto the counter opposite to him.
"No, you did that yourself. You came out half asleep, and you had like 5 drinks. Then, you were throwing yourself all over me." He laughs quietly and I kick his leg.
"You're an asshole. Why didn't Casey stop me?" I ask, shifting away from him a little. He gives me a blank stare as if I should know better.
"Water bed." He smiles and I shake my head, trying to forget the thought.
"I can't believe I got drunk, and made out with you. Ew."
"But I love making out with you." Jack replied with hurt in his eyes, and I can't help but wonder whether he really meant it or not.


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