Heartbreak Girl

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I walk down the road until I hear 5 seconds of summer blurring loudly inside a house.  I sit out the front and nod my head to the beat.

"I dedicate this song to you,
The one who never sees the truth,
That I can take away your hurt, heartbreak girl.
Hold you tight straight through the day light,
I'm right here. When you gonna realize
That I'm your cure, heartbreak girl?"

 I pull out my phone and scroll through twitter, now singing loudly. I have tons of dm's like "You're related to Jack? Youre so lucky!". Yeah, lucky. I click the top one which read: "WHATS IT LIKE LIVING WITH JOHNSON AND SEEING HIS PRETTY FACE EVERYDAY? you're super pretty btw" I typed 'fabulous & ty' and hit send. I cant break these girls hearts, I know what its like to be a fan girl.

I see a light turn on behind me and I stand up. A boy around my age walks over to me.

"Can I help you?" I can hardly see his face in the darkness now, but damn his voice is sexy. 

"Um, no, sorry. I was just sitting here because I wanted to get away from the party, but my bestfriend is in there and I dont want to like ruin her night a-" He cuts me off, laughing. "Im sorry, im rambling. Im gonna go now." I smile awkwardly.

"No, its fine. Its cute, actually.." He shuffles his feet. "Im Jayden." He reached his hand out, and I shook it, his arm  tanned and toned. 

"Was that you listening to 5sos? Are you a  fanboy? " I giggle, letting go of his his hand. I dont tell him my name incase he is a stalker or something.  It's a possibility. 

"Nah, it was my little sister. She's like a die hard, crazy fangirl." 

"Aw, well she has good taste."  I look down at my shoes, wishing I had my dress to fiddle with.

"Really? wow."  He shakes his head.

"What?" I laughed, kinda offended. 

"I just didnt think you were all girly, you know?"  He looked me up and down then smiled, which showed his adorable dimples. I think im going to die, omg. I swear this is a dream, he is way too cute. 

"Didnt your mother ever teach you not to judge a book by its cover?"

"Actually, no."  His voice cracks and I have totally fucked up. Good one T, he probably hates you. Its not like he liked you in the first place, but now he definitely hates you. 

"Jayden, babe! What are you doing out there? Who is that?" A girl yells from the door, thankfully breaking the awkward silence. Oh gosh, he has a girlfriend.

"Just a friend, im coming, one minute."  He rolls his eyes.

"Just a friend?"

"Id like to think so, Heartbreak Girl."  

"I've gotta go, and it seems like you do too." I say, indicating the girl staring at me through the window. 

"Can I get your number?" 

"Isnt that your girlfriend?"

"JaYDEN" The girl yells this time. 

"no." He smirks, ignoring the girl. His smirk wasnt like a Gilinsky smirk, it was a cute, adorable smirk.  I walked up and wrote my number in his phone.

"Maybe we can hang sometime?"

"Dont get your hopes up." I say, walking away for real this time.

"Now I know why they call you heartbreak girl."

"Only you call me that, dork." I half shout so he can hear me.

"Ouch, that hurt." He laughs.

"It was meant to." I yell, down the street now. 


A/N: This chapter is a just a filler, sorry i havent updated alot lately im a mess and school makes me extremely depressed. Anyways, thank you for reading, i'll try to update alot more. I love youuu.

PS: Youre fab.

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