I surrender.

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*T's POV*
"jaCK DONT YOU DARE!" I yell as he picks up the icing. He moves closer and closer and I keep walking back, until I'm pressed up against the bench. "I swear to god, Gilinsky." I lean back as far as I could. He squeezes the piping bag on my face, then runs away laughing. I quickly wipe my eyes and run after him with the flour in my hand. He runs out the front door and falls on the ground.
"No! No. I surrender." He puts his hands up, but I dump the remaining flour on his head and run inside, locking the door behind me. I laugh and poke my tongue out at him through the window.
"Come on babe, let me in." He whines and I unlock the door. "Oh, you're gonna get it." He smirks as he runs in the front door. I scream, running up the stairs before falling over and landing face first. Jack immediately picks me up and throws me over his shoulder, heading straight for the pool.
"JACK! JACK! NOOOO!" I scream and kick my legs, hoping to hurt him and make him put me down.
"You totally asked for this." He smirked and threw me straight into the pool. Coming straight up for air, I see Casey and Sophie sneaking up behind him.
"Help meee." I whined, hoping he would take lean down to help me out.
"I'm not falling for that, T." He laughs and was about to turn around, until Casey and Sophie pushed him in the pool. He swam over to me and clung to me.
"Hey Soph, can you go check the cake while I get changed?" I asked sweetly, pushing Jack off me and making my way over to the steps.
"Yeah!" She smiled and tied her curly hair into a bun as she walked inside, Casey following quickly after her talking about how it's not fair how perfect Sophie is. I laugh at them and turn to Jack, who was still in the pool.
"Come on, we have to go inside." I hear the music playing from my phone change and shake my head.
"If we don't get inside soon, were going to be listening to Demi Lovato all night." I laugh and Jack quickly gets out, running inside. I quickly grab towels and meet Jack in the kitchen, where I see him and Casey fighting over the aux cord.
"But my songs are better." Jack pouted."
"Yeah? Well, I live here, so I win." Casey sassed back at him.
"T! Tell her to stop being stubborn." Jack turned to me and I chucked him the towel.
"T! Tell your boyfriend to stop being stupid." Casey mocked him
"You two are like kids, honestly." I sigh, walking over and grabbing my phone. "Use my music. You both like it."
"But!" They both shouted at the same time.
"I'm going for a shower, children." I walk up the stairs, smiling.
"Can I join?" Jack smirked and I hear Casey make fun of him in the distance.
"Don't be a bitch, Case."I yell before and close my bedroom door. I hear a faint 'I told you she loved me more' before I got into the shower.
//Next day//
"MITCH AND AMY ARE HERE!" I hear Sophie yell with her Irish accent.
"Coming!" I yell back as I tie my hair in a ponytail and race down the stairs.
"MITCHELL!" I scream, jumping on him and hugging him tightly.
"T!" He hugs back, holding me up.
Jack emerges from playing video games on the lounge and stands next to Amy, both of them slightly uncomfortable at our closeness. I jump off Mitch and run into the lounge room to get his present.
"OPEN IT!" I scream as I push it at him. He laughs and unwraps the blue and red car wrapping paper. I smile smugly at Mitch as his eyes open widely.
"You didn't." He looks up at me and I smirk.
"I did!" I squealed and jumped up and down. He hugged me again, whispering thank you over and over again. It was concert tickets to our favourite band. We have had plans to see them since forever, and as soon as I saw the tickets go on sale I bought them.
"I'm so excited!" He smiled widely and I walked over to Gilinsky, noticing his hands clenching tightly. I wrap my fingers around his and leaned my head and his arm.
"He's my friend, babe." I lean up and whisper into Jacks ear, letting him know there's nothing to be worried about. Mitch and I have always been this close, ever since we met. Everyone always thought we had a thing, and heaps of rumours went around we slept together. We were never like that, though. He was always like an older brother, except extremely attractive.
"Alright." Jack smiles down at me, snapping me out of my thoughts.
Everyone arrived about an hour ago, and we were about to cut the cake.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MITTTTTCH, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUU" We all sang together. Mitch blew out the candles and we all cheered.
"CAKE CAKE CAKE!" Mitch's friends, Calum and Luke yelled. We all laughed and Mitch cut the cake down to bottom, then kissed Amy. I wrapped my arms around Gilinsky and hugged him.
"Guys, this is so depressing!" Sophie fake cried, looking around at all the couples. I smiled and gave her a sympathetic look, but she just pouts back at me.
"Okaaaaay, who wants cake?" Amy asks, cutting it into pieces. I heard everyone shout 'me!', and they all formed a circle around Amy.

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