This will be so easy.

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Gilinsky's POV

"I bet I can make you fall in love with me" I blurt out before realising what I had just said. T sits directly across from me and furrows her eyebrows, then laughs. I cant back out now. "You in or what?" I continue.

"Oh shit.. You were being serious?" She says, her smile quickly fading as she sits up straight in her chair.  "Look, im sorry to tear down your ego, but there is no way I could ever fall in love with someone like you." She says pulling out her phone and checking time. I lean forward and look at the time on her phone; 12:45pm. Okay, I have 15 minutes, I gotta think quick. I grab my phone out of my pocket and text Johnson.  

Me: Are you and Casey picking T up bro?

Johnson: Yeah, y?  Are u gonna get some? ;)

Me: Just dont pick her up. I'll give her a ride.

Johnson: K. See ya soon

"What? Are you scared that you actually will?" I say to T, putting my phone away.

"No fucking way. I would just hate to see you try so hard for something you'll never get." She shot back at me. Sassy.

"I swear you'll want me" I say, moving in my seat.

"Okay, i'll give you a three month deadline." She laughs.  Three months? I can work with that.  

"Deal?" I say, putting my hand out. She moves to put her hand in mine, but then she stops.

"Alright, but if I win.. Johnson moves out." She smiled and I instantly regretted this.  We sat there in silence before she spoke again. "If you win, and I "fall in love" with you, Me and Case will move out." She exclaimed confidently.

"Okay, deal.  I'll pick you up at 8." I reply, mimicing her confidence. She suddenly goes shy and looks at her feet. This will be so easy.  All of a sudden, Mr Lawson walks in and tells us we can go. Thank fuck, I hate this place. I grab my bag and walk out the door while taking my keys out. After I reached my car, I drove over to where T was standing and rolled down my window.

"Get in, ill take you home." I shout as she turns around.

"I'd rather rot in hell.. Casey is picking me up."  She replies, rolling her eyes.

 "I have a feeling she isnt coming" I wink at her. It takes a while but she finally realises and mutters something under her breath.

"You coming or what? 5..4..3..Tw-" I was cut off by her slamming my door. I smile at her and begin driving to Johnsons. Not long after we arrive at the house and she gets out. I was about to get out before she shuts my door and leans in the window.

"Seven." She says before walking up her drive way. As she opens the door she turns around and yells "Dont be late, Gilinsky." I sit there for a few minutes processing everything that has happened in the last hour.

Holy fuck, I have to make her fall in love with me.

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