Fuck you.

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I open the door to a smoking Gilinsky. I tried desperately to keep back the smile, but sure enough it was there. He leans in for a kiss, and I could practically feel Casey watching us from behind me. I place my hands between us and push him back.
"Cam's not here, but nice try." I say fighting back the urge to kiss him. His eyes look straight down and he threw the cigarette down, stomping on it. I walk up to Casey and she puts her phone in her back pocket.
"Holy shit did you see his face when you pushed him back? Oh my god, that was priceless." She laughed. I forced a smile then turned back to see Gilinsky staring at me. I don't know what we are after today. I mean, were we a thing? I flashed him an 'I'm sorry' look and he just nodded his head. I turned around and Casey was glaring at me.
"What? I wasn't listening, sorry." I laughed but she wasn't buying it.
"Oh I'm sorry, we're you too busy sending love heart eyes to Jack?" She says sarcastically.
"Pft, yeah right. Ew." I attempt to lie.
"You can't lie for shit, babe. What's happening here?" She drills me.
"Nothing. Nothing's happening." I look down and tap my foot.
"Wow, are you guys doing some Romeo & Juliet shit? Excuse me while I vomit." She made a vomiting action with her mouth and I laugh.
"You're ridiculous." I laugh, shaking my head.
"Thanks." I smile at Johnson who just put our bags in the car. He nods then looks straight to the ground. I turned around to see Casey sitting on the hood of my car, flipping him the finger. I laugh at her immaturity and make my way over to Gilinsky.
"Hey babe." He says almost too quietly.
"Look, about befo-" I start, but I get cut off.
"What about it? Cams not here. Don't think today makes us anything." fuck, why did that hurt so much?
"Yeah, I was just checking that we were both thinking the same things. I wouldn't want to lead you on." I lie, walking away from straight away and to the car.
"Johnson, let's go. You're taking me. I'll see you soon Case. Have fun!" I winked at her and she made a gun with her hand and pretended to shoot herself.
My eyes search the crowd of people, looking for a tall dark haired boy. Johnson and Casey are finally talking but now they won't stop and I'm getting sick of them. I spot Gilinsky in a shop and walk up to him. I look at his choice of sweets and shake my head.
"Everyone know skittles is the best." I say picking up the small packet of skittles.
"Please." He rolls his eyes and we both stand in line to pay.
"It's a fact." I place a hand on my hip.
"It is not."
"Yes it is."
"Excuse me, sir. You're girlfriends right. Skittles are better." A boy around 8, says. He looks at the packet in my hand and smiles wider. "Especially the sour ones."
"Told you." I smirk at Jack, ignoring the fact that the kid just called me Jacks girlfriend. Jack opens his mouth to say something but the cashier cut him off by half yelling 'next, please.'
The voice over the speaker finishes and the plane begins to move. The seats go;
Jack J, Casey, Me, Jack G.
I sit back and close my eyes, singing the words to Shake it Off by Taylor Swift in my head. I must have fallen asleep, because I opened my eyes to Gilinskys hand on my thigh.
"What do you think you're doing?" I scoff taking his hand off mine. He looks away almost immediately. "Well?" I wait for him to explain himself.
"You look way too hot right now." He says softly so I wouldn't hear but I did.
I could have fun with this. I got up out of my seat and took a step so I was now right infront of Gilinsky. I felt a small push from the plane and I took the opportunity, falling into Jacks lap. His hands quickly make their way around my hips, holding them tight.
"Whoops." I wink at him as I get up and walk to the small toilet. I go inside, and just sit on the toilet, craving a smoke. 3.. 2.. 1. The door opens and Gilinsky walks in.
"Fuck you." He says before kissing me.
"Fuck you too." I say, smiling into the kiss.

I updated in shorts so ya I hope you liked it 💕 Thank you so much for reading ily ily ily 😘💕

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