We need an escape plan, dude.

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T's POV.

I look over at my phone as the light shines brightly in my face. 7:30am. Shit. I get up and run to the bathroom and begin brushing my teeth. While brushing my teeth, I unlock my phone and play my music when I get a text. 

C-Dawg: Have you left yet? I haven't, whoops.

Did she really just text me from the other room? I finish brushing my teeth and reply as I finish doing my morning routine. I walk into the kitchen and my eyes light up at the sight of my boyfriend, the fridge.  I open the fridge scanning it for something to eat and after opening and closing it twice, I give up. I walk over, grab my bag and begin the annoying and incredibly depressing walk to school.

As I reach the hell hole, I sit down with some friends until I see Casey finally turn up. She's always late, I think to myself. I run up to her and hug her. 

"OH MY GOD!" She screams before she realises it's me. I laugh loudly as people begin to stare.

"I can't believe we didnt even go out all holidays." I say, releasing from the hug.

"Yeah, well, that's the thing about being antisocial." She giggles.

We talk for a little bit longer, and then the bell rings.

"Ugh" Casey groans as she walks past all the people going to class. "I am so not ready for human interaction." She continues. When we get to Casey's class we both stop and look at each other. I begin to turn around before Casey pulls me back. As I spun back around, I was faced by the one and only, Jack Johnson. Our eyes made contact for a second before I swung my head down, and moved to the side.

"T" I hear a deep voice say. There is two ways this can go; 1. I can look up, smile and confidently walk past him, or 2. I can pretend I never heard him and completely avoid him. I looked over at Casey and gave her a look, trying to signal help. After a few seconds it clicked and she turned to Jack. Her eyes searched the hall full of teenage girls and suddenly a big smile grew on her face. Oh god no.

"JACK JOHNSON!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. I knew that was a bad idea. All the girls in the hall suddenly turned and began looking for Jack as if he was the last Starbucks they would ever drink. Fuck. Casey smiled evilly and Jack scowled at her. Casey and Jack have this weird thing going on, they act like they're dating one minute, and the next they act like they've hated each other since birth. It's so confusing. All of a sudden the sound of screaming girls snap me back into reality.

"We need an escape plan, dude." I yell at Casey hoping she could hear me. She panics, and all of a sudden I am being pulled into a janitors closet. Great. I can feel someone breathing on my neck, and its sending shivers down my spine.

"Case.." I whisper trying to see a figure in the pitch black room.

"T?" A voice whispers back. 

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