Sour Patch Kids & Cupcake Fights

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*3 days later*
I jump on my bed and lay down, I've been back at school for a day and it's already annoying. Jacks supposed to be coming over tonight because I haven't seen him since the airport. I scroll through Twitter until I get a text from Amy to the groupchat.

Amy: Girls night bc you two are back? x

Jack is coming over, soz girl 😏💕

C-dawg: yasssss

Amy: what happened to hoes before bros?


Shut up Casey, if Jack wasn't playing basketball tonight you would have totally ditched 😂

C-dawg: fuck you.

fuck you too 😘

Sophie: Okay so I'll be over by 8? ☺️

Jennie: yup, me too


woah what just happened

C-Dawg: 😏😏😏


I completely forgot about Jack until he was standing at my front door with a huge smile on his face.
"Shit." I whisper underneath my breath.
"What's wrong?" He slings his arm around my neck and walks inside, going straight to the couch and sitting down.
"Oh.. Nothing." I lie, looking around for my phone.
"Alright, but you know I'm always here." He kisses me on my cheek and I swear I just died and came back to life.
"So um, the girls are coming over tonight." I look at him nervously and his smile slowly fades.
"Oh." He sighs.
"I'm sorry." I look at him nervously and he smiles.
"Fuck you're hot." That instantly makes me smile again and I slide down in the couch, thinking tonight might actually be okay. That was until I heard my phone ding.

C-Dawg: hey, remember the no guys rule? Whoops.

I look up from my phone and she's standing at the lounge room door, smirking. I roll my eyes and turn to Jack.
"Can we.. maybe.. ya know..chicks before dicks?" I blurt out at once and sink into the couch further.
"Really?" He laughs standing up.
"Kinda?" I say, more as a question then an answer. He shakes his head and swings his keys as he walks to the door. I follow quickly after him, hitting Casey hard as I push past her. We walk outside the door and he turns around and looks down at me.
"I'm sorry, it's just a thing and I can't not do the thing." I say nervously.
"It's alright, I just wanted to hang out with you, that's all." He sighs and pulls me into a hug.
"Okay. Tomorrow night?" I look up at him.
"Sure." He kisses me on the lips and walks to the car and drives away. I sigh and walk back in to the lounge room where Casey is sitting on the lounge. I run over to her and she puts her hands up in surrender. I laugh at how scared she is and hit her.
"Bitch." I laugh, getting up and dusting my hands off jokingly.
"Asshole." She scowls and me and I smirk.
"So are we gonna have dinner or nah?" I ask feeling hungry - like usual - and she shrugs back at me.
"Well Johnson is usually my bitch and cooks for me." She laughs.
"2 minute noodles?"
"Fuck yes."
"Hey guysss" Amy grins as she walks in with her hands full with candy.
"We have arrived." Sophie raised her eyebrows and flipped her hair.
Right then, all of our phones buzzed and they all read it at the same time. Me being the lazy person I am, didn't bother because I knew one of them would read it out.
"Jennie said she's at some family thing and she can't be here until like 10" Casey said, like expected. I jumped up and walked over to the fridge looking for food.
"Um, T? I didn't just spend $15 for you to eat a mango." Amy laughed, but you could tell she was half serious. I run over and ripped open the bag of sour patch kids, placing three in my mouth at once. I cringe at the sourness and they all laugh at my face.
"That was a bad idea." Sophie laughed, throwing her head back.
"You think you could do better?" I sassed back at her.
"I COULD!" Casey screamed as she walked in the room. "Wait, what is it I can do better?"
"Okay, let's see how many sour patch kids you can put in your mouth without a face." Amy laughed and handed her the packet. We all stared as she placed 3 in. No emotion. Then another one. Nothing at all. She placed the 5th one in her mouth and her eyes watered, before pulling the weirdest face I have ever seen. We all burst into laughter and Amy threw a sour patch kid at her face.

Let's just say, you should never throw food at any of us. Caseys smile left her face and Sophie let out an 'ooooh'. Next thing you know, Casey is throwing a cupcake at Amy, but it missed and went straight into my hair.
"IM GONNA KILL YOU." I screamed as she flinched. I grabbed the pink iced cupcake and smashed it right in her face.
"You look like one of those fluffly pig teddy things." Sophie erupted in laughter.
"You're dead." She says with no emotion, wiping her eyes so she can see. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a the grapes aiming all of them at her.
"WHY DO GRAPES HURT SO MUCH, WHAT THE HECK." She screamed, putting her arms up to protect her face.
"Do you realise that is precious food you two are throwing at eachother?" Jennie walked in to the room and we stopped, because, well, she has a point.
"I thought you were at a family thing?" Amy asked and Casey glared at her, remembering this was her fault.
"Yeah, I just kept complaining and they let me leave early." She shrugs and walks over to the couch. "SOUR PATCH KIDS!" She screamed, putting heaps in her mouth.

Not again.

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