I couldn't even if I wanted to.

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While adjusting my eyes to the light, I reach my arm out in the hopes of getting my phone. Instead I feel a body next to me. I scream loudly and jump out of my bed. I immediately regretted screaming, because now my head feels like a monster truck ran over it twice, and proceeded to hit me with a hammer. Wow, I am never drinking again. I can finally see clearly, and oh my lord I regretted that too. Before thinking, I run out of the room and into Casey's.

"I THINK I HOOKED UP WITH GILINSKY" I begin freaking out as she laughs. "DO YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?  IM DISGUSTED. HE WAS IN MY BED!"  I whisper shout, trying to avoid my head hurting. She's acting like this isnt big news. What does she know that I dont? Oh my gosh, I think I might have a panic attack. 

"Well, when you came home last night he carried you upstairs. You were so wasted, like I have never seen you that bad. And theeeen.." She giggles. My eyes widen as I wait for her to tell me what happened. "Y-you...you pulled him into bed with you." She burst into laughter as I put a hand on my head. Oh no, this cant be real, no no no. This cant happen to me. This is why you dont drink, kids. 

"Dont worry, babe." I hear a deep voice from behind me say, and then I remembered.  


"No.. Dont leave me." I open my eyes.

"Dont worry, babe. Im here." He says closing the door. All I knew was that I couldnt handle it if one more person left me. I lay my head down in his lap and looked up at him. He runs his hand through his hair before placing it on my waist.

"Im always here." He whispers, drawing little circles with his thumb. I close my eyes and lay there for a while, listening to the voices of the intoxicated girls inside, which I am now one of.


I snap back to reality when I hear Gilinsky speak again.  "Nothing happened, you fell asleep in like a minute, I couldnt even if I wanted to." He said with a smirk, placing a bandana on his head. A wave of relief enters my body. Thank fuck.  Wow, I am so proud of drunk T.  I realise Jack still hasnt left the room and he's just standing there. 

"Dont get cocky. I was drunk, and clearly that doesnt make me hate you any less." I say, turning to him. He smiles and runs his fingers through his hair.

"You sure about that, princess?" He teases as he walks out the door.

"Oh shit" I hear Casey say, from the corner of the room. I hear my phone buzz from the other room. I run in, collect my phone and run back to Casey.  "I was feeling some serious sexual tension there, gurrrrl." Casey laughs before packing a suitcase. 

"Where are you going oi?"  I say, about to open the text from Sophie.

"Its not where im going.. Its where we are going." She replies, shoving tickets in my face. I look at the tickets that read "California"  and I jumped up and hug her; forgetting about the text.  

"Wait, what about school?"  I reply, freaking out.

"You've already done all the exams & its only for two weeks! And guess where we are staying!" She squealed.  I already knew the answer. Last year, Jack took us to a beach house in Cali. It was the best summer ever, everything was perfect. The summer I met Cameron.. I shake off the negative thoughts.

"When are we going? Omg this is the best! I love you so much!"  I hug her again, overwhelmed with excitement. 

"We leave Monday morning! Girl, go start packing!" She says, pushing me out of her room.  

"Does Jack know?" I ask her, while pushing against her. She looks down and sighs. 

"It was spontaneous, I booked everything last night. I just need to get away. Ill tell you later, go pack!" 

Something happened last night with her and Jack. I know it. I would try to get to the bottom of it, but I know she'll tell me when she wants to. I run into my room and sit on my bed, mentally screaming. This is going to be the best two weeks, just my best friend & I. I look down at the tickets. All four of them. 



A/N: Sorry its short & shit, but i'll try to update tomorrow and i'll try to make it alot better! Thank you sooo much for reading, ily  xx

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