Shut up and kiss me.

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I was ready by 6, and I was really excited. It's now 7:30. You know, it's sucks because I thought he was actually alright. But, now he isn't even coming. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I decide not to check it. It could be Jayden, I thought. I fight my urges to check it, but after a few minutes I gave in.

Cute Dimple boy: I'm sorry, I can't make it, my sister is really sick, rain check? Xx

'More like reality check' I think to myself.

It looks like I'm not the heartbreaker, after all.

My phone buzzes again, and I look to see 'Jack 🙅' on my screen. I unlock it and read his text.

Jack 🙅: wanna hang?
What's your address?
Jack 🙅: 18 Aquat Street.
I'm leaving now
Jack 🙅: okay princess 😘

I grab my bag and keys and quickly go out to my car.

*Jacks POV*
I see my phone light up on the table and I walk over and check it.

T 👑: I'm out the front, hurry up 🏃

I walk out the front to see T in short shorts, and a mint green crop top. She jokingly opens the door for me, then runs around to the other side and gets in.
"So, where are we going?" She asks, and I shrug.
"Okay. I can take you somewhere, but promise to never go there without me or with anyone else?" She holds out her pinky finger and I wrap mine around hers.
"Promise. Can we go now?"
She turns on the car and begins driving
"Its been an hour, where are we?" I ask, impatiently. I look out the window and all I can see is trees.
"We're here." She smiles, pulling in and turning the car off. I get out and look at the trees around me.
"Don't worry, I don't think I'll ever come here again." I say, referring to earlier.
"Come on!" She grabs my arm and pulls me into the bushes. I notice that there's a trail made of rocks.
"Did you make this? The trail with the rocks, I mean."
"Yeah, I come here all the time, but one time I forgot so I made the path." She walks ahead of me, kinda jogging. "Wait here." She pushes me back and runs down a hill. I look through the trees to see a massive waterfall. I run after her.
"Holy shit, this place is amazing." I look around in awe.
"I thought I told you to wait? But yeah.. It really is." She says, holding a book that came out of nowhere. She stashes it under some leaves and takes off her shorts. She runs into the water and screams in reaction to the temperature.
"You coming or what?" She screams, her head becoming smaller and smaller as she swims away. I take off my shirt and run in after her.
*T's POV*

Shirtless Gilinsky, I could get use to that. He runs in and swims over to me. I laugh and splash him, trying to keep my head up.
"How did you find it?" He asks, not even struggling a little bit to keep his head above the water. I swim over to where I can touch the ground and stand.
"Well, Cameron and I had a massive fight and we broke up, so I told him to let me out. I was crying and I didn't want anyone to see me so I ran into the forest. And then I heard people laughing, so I followed it to here. That's how I met Georgia. I only really see her when I come here because her parents own this whole acreage, but she's one of my best friends." I smile, playing around with the water.
"Why did you and Cameron break up?" He moves a little closer.
"Well, he was a dick. I mean, he's an amazing guy, honestly. But he just left. He didn't reply to any of my texts, phone calls, nothing. He just disappeared. " I sigh, hating the thought of it.
"I would never do that to you." He moves closer, our bodies now touching. He pulls me in and I look into the crystal clear water. It was so silent you could hear the birds chirping and the water falling. This would be the perfect time to kiss him. Instead a splash him in the face and swim off. Good one, T. I swim under the waterfall, and wait behind it. The sound of the water falling distracts me and I float there for as second. All of a sudden my leg was being pulled down and I was under the water, face to face with Gilinsky. Do it now, T. I swim closer to him and latch onto him. We rise out of the water and I hang onto him effortlessly.
"You're not the bitch you want everyone to think you are, T." He smiles, like an actual smile. This isn't the Gilinsky I know, this is six seconds Gilinsky. And I have him for more than six seconds.

"Ugh, just shut up and kiss me."






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