And then, it happened.

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*T's POV*
It's 3:40 am and I'm staring at my phone, not focusing on what's on it, but wondering why I can't sleep. Did I kiss Gilinsky? I hear a knock on the door downstairs and I jump through all the passed out bodies on the floor and grab the bat. It was there in case of emergencies. I turn on my torch app in my phone and pointed it to the ground, and then run down stairs. I reach the door and stand on my tippy-toes to look through the peep hole. Cameron? I turn on the outside light and he blinks a few times before knocking again. I slowly open the door and let him in.  

"T? Thank you so much, I didnt have anywhere else to go." He puffed, before kissing me on the cheek. I turn on the light and rub my eyes. You could clearly tell he had been runnning. 

"Do you want a drink?" I question, caring more about his health then why he is here. He nods his head and walks into the kitchen with me. He grabs himself a cup and I get him the jug of water. "So why are you here?" I say placing a hand on my hip and watching him drink. 

"I was with the boys..And they.. Well they-" He states, breathing normally now. Ah, 'the boys'. I remember them. Cameron always played it cool around them, but he hated what they did. He hated when they stole things, when they did drugs, etc. 

"-The boys? Seriously? Cameron, you know that they do fucked up shit." I cut him off.

"I know, let me finish. We were just having some drinks, hanging out, and then Nate took some intense shit, I dont even know what it was..Anyways, then I guess they all did and they tried to convince me and when I sai-"

"I swear to god Cameron if you said yes you can get the hell out of my house right now. " I cut him off again.

"I said no. Damn, let me finish. " He runs his fingers through his hair, pushing a strand back into place. "When I said no, they all got violent. If I stayed there any longer I would have got bashed. I just.. I dont know anymore."  He takes another sip of his water and sits on the bar stool. 

"Just."  I repeat. We both hate the word 'just' (yet we always say it), so when we dated we used to always point it out when the other said it. He lifted his head up and smiled slightly. I havent  seen him this sad since his dog died. I walk to the other side of the island bench and hug him. "Pancakes?" I offer. I could feel his chin move and I could tell he was smiling. I pull away from him and get out the pans and ingredients. I hear footsteps coming from outside the kitchen and I immediately think I didnt lock the front door and someone has broken in. I jump and run behind Cameron, using him as a human shield. I push him forward as an indication to look at who it is. I whimper and grip onto him tighter.

"Shut up!" He whispers, moving a little closer to the door.

"I am, you shut up!"  I reply pushing him a little more. You can clearly see why our relationship worked out great. Note the sarcasm. The door swung open and I screamed, jumping back but still holding onto Cameron. After a few seconds I realised it was just Casey. Just.

"Fuck. You scared the living shit out of me. Dont do that!"  I say to Casey who wasnt listening, she was just staring at the now burnt pancake. 

"I smelt pancakes, I want some. Also, I heard you open the door.  What are you doing here?" She turns and looks at Cameron. 

"Long story."  I reply for him. It wasnt, but I couldnt be bothered hearing it again. Whoops. I run over and throw the bad pancake in the bin and make a new batch.  


"Do you want some?"  Cameron said, chewing on his third pancake. Damn, that boy can eat.

"Nah, im good."  I say, taking a bite out of Casey's. 

"Bitch, he offered. I didnt." She hits me and I smile back at her deviously.

"Oi, Case. Watch this video of a..."  Cameron begin to say, but I zoned out halfway through and stopped listening.

It was kinda nice to have all three of us back together again. We used to all hang out together back in the days. Well, Casey was more of a third wheel but she was still there. The three amigos.

"Cameron, where are you going to sleep?" I ask, after the two of them stop laughing. 

"Oh, I can just catch a ca-" There is no way that I was going to let him get a taxi home. What kind of an idiot does he think I am? Gosh. 

"-Dont be an idiot. You're staying. Do you want my bed?"  I cut him off, yet again.  I guess I tend to cut him off. Its not my fault he's so predictable. 

"Oh, um.." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"She's sleeping in my room. Amy, Sophie, & Jennie are already up there.You're sleeping in her room. Unless you want the couch, then sure."   Casey said, like the smart ass she is.  I smile at her anyway.

"Okay, I guess i'll take the bed."  He smiled nervously. It went silent for a few seconds before he decided to speak again. "So,  was there an emergency sleep over that I missed out on? Let me guess, someone broke up. Was it that Mitch guy? I always knew he was shady." 

"Yeah, it was a break up. But it was mine." Casey said softly. He looks at her with a face that says 'im sorry'.  

"You only thought Mitch was shady because we were best friends & you were jealous."  I say, trying to hide the awkwardness and not let Casey be upset again. 

"I wasnt jealous."  He scoffed.

"Dont even lie, you asked me like 100 times if I liked him." 

"Because he was shady." 

"No, because you were jealous." 

"Weeell, im going to go to bed, you two have fun now" Casey says loudly over Cameron and I fighting. 

"Me too."  Cameron agrees, rubbing his eyes and turning to me to see if I was coming.

"I think ill stay down here a little longer."  I say, taking the empty plate to the sink. 

"No. I cant leave you."  Cameron says, stopping.  How convenient. He 'cant leave me'  yet he's done it a million times. 

"Im fine. Go sleep, I have to clean up anyways."  I say, now taking the pan over to the sink. 

"No. You need to sleep. Come on, i'll do that in the morning. You know, to repay you and stuff."  He protests, gently grabbing my arm and pulling it. 

"Okay, whatever." I give in, following him out the door and up the stairs. I make my bed and move a few things to make space for him. I turn around and see him with his shirt off, ready to get in bed. Its not like I havent before, but, I mean.. Damn.  He must of been to the gym alot lately, because that boy looks fine. I realise im staring and quickly look down.

"Um.. Goodnight."  I say quickly before walking towards the door.

And then, it happened.   

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