"What are you doing chan? I'm going to go fix this! I'm going to make it better!"

"No" Chan released him and waited till he'd calmed a bit "You're going to make it worse, I think you've done enough damage already."

Minho cringed at his words knowing he was right but not knowing what he could do, as if reading his thought's Chan continued

"Right now there's nothing you can do, you'll have to wait, I saw Jisung and his friend Felix in my geography today, Jisung doesn't look like he's in a good state he needs time to recover."

"But If he recovers, It will be without me and he'll- ... he'll see me as the one who-"

"You are the one who caused the hurt in the first place, you wormed your way into his heart which had been closed of for so long and then left him and that big hole in an instant."

Minho was fustrated, and hurt and he didn't understand his feelings or how to fix this so he did the only thing he knew how to do in this situation, he gripped his hair and let the tears flod his cheeks.

People in the canteen turned to observe but Chan got up from his side rounded the table and brought Minho to his chest, Hiding him from the world and giving him a little more privacy to let out his feelings.

He cried for about fifteen minutes and by the time he was done break was nearly over and it was almost time for the next lesson, Chan took him to the bathroom and helped him clear himself up a bit before taking him by the hand and leading him slowly to there next lesson.

In a way the two of them, Minho and Jisung, where almost the same.

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Felix turned on his heel wondering if that call had been at him and Jisung, he rotated to see the same fluffy blonde senior from earlier staring straight at him, he let the senior approach them trying to recall where he'd seen the boy, Jisung gripped his hand tightly but he didn't bolt, the senior looked friendly enough so he was being given a chance.

"Um hi, I'm Minho's friend."

That was it! That was were Felix had seen the senior before, from when he was stalking Minho! He pushed Jisung behind him protectively and backed up a few steps,

"What do you want!"

Chan couldn't blame them for behaving this way after all they'd been through but he had to push forwards, it was all he could do at this point to help his friend.

"Can I talk to Jisung, ... alone...."

Felix opened his mouth to say no but to his suprise the nervous boy behind him stepped forwards and nodded


"I want to hear what he has to say." Jisung gave him a reassuring look and Felix hesitantly nodded and gave Chan a suspicious side eye.

"I'll be waiting just outside the school doors okay" 

Jisung nodded and Felix gave one more glance before leaving the two in privacy, there was silence for a few moments when Jisung decided to bring up the elephant in the room

"Minho told you everything right."

"Yes, but not out of spite, he just wanted advice."

Jisung sighed and let his head hang, he'd never actually held even a drop of grudge against Minho for what had happened on the rooftop, of course Minho had lost his trust but he didn't believe Minho was an inherently evil person.

"He's been crying all day, He never meant to run like that he was just in shock and he doesn't think it's disgusting and the um- .. when you.. kissed, ... he did that on purpose, he wasn't playing with you."

Jisungs eyes where watering but he wasn't quite sure why in fact he wasn't quite sure why it was Chan stood before him instead of Minho, didn't he deserve a proper apology from Minho maybe Chan was lying to him

"Why are you telling me this, not Minho..." Jisung murmured in a barley audible tone. The corner of Chan's mouth twitched up ruefully, he'd though Jisung might ask that 

"Actually Minho doesn't, know that I'm here right now, he wanted to talk to you but I stopped him, I thought you might not want to see him right now."

Jisung couldn't find it in himself to trust these words or Minho completely right now but I gave him a small bit of hope and happiness when he heard that Minho had wanted to come and see him.

He looked up back up at Chan "Is that all?" He received a nod of confirmation and promptly left to go and find Felix, 

Chan watched the short silouhete of Jisung disappear into the light at the end of the corridor and even once he had completely disappeared he stayed for a moment just to stare in silence, deep in thought.

He'd done all he could for Minho now, It was now down to Minho and whether Jisung was willing to put his trust in him once again.

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