Scorpius rubbed his eyes, headache growing with every passing moment. Whether it was from the alcohol last night or the smoking from early morning, he couldn't tell. Perhaps it was the lack of sleep. He had showered around four am, changed into a clean pair of jeans and a black v-neck sweater. The castle was colder in the morning. His hair was mostly dry already, combed through. He sat by the window in the boys dorms, watching the snow fall heavily down. It had been snowing for hours. Sometimes it would lighten up a bit. He balled up his sleeves in his hands, drawing his knees up to his chest. Missy had scrambled off to some unknown destination, leaving him alone in his thoughts.

He could remember last night, suggesting going to see Cypress. Scorpius didn't think it was a good idea now that he was sober. But part of him still lingered on the prospect of it. Cypress probably knew more about where Daniel was than Scorpius did. If he didn't already know. Scorpius understood it wasn't his job to help his blood brother. But he couldn't help thinking how easily the roles could've been reversed. If he was in Daniel's place, he'd want him to find him. Scorpius wished he could shake the feeling. And he was hot and cold about it. One moment, he didn't care. The next, he was wrecked with guilt over it.

Perhaps if he just tried to find him, it would ease his worries. Scorpius lost sleep over this, among everything else. Deep down he couldn't help but wonder if Daniel and Cypress would be the only thing he has that's family. It's normal, isn't it? To have hope that he could have a family that's more than what he has now? Of course Raven still felt like a sister. But Draco certainly didn't feel like a father. It was like he was living a lie, and he was. But if Daniel knew the truth, and so did Cypress, they'd be blood. Real family.

That's what he hoped, at least. And it was Friday. He had all weekend to leave and see if he could find Daniel. Scorpius stood up, deciding that he'd go. He starts packing some clothes, and that's when Albus stirs awake. "What are you doing?" The boy asked, looking sleepy. Scorpius didn't reply, or even act like he heard the boy. "Still mad, are you?"

"What do you think?" Scorpius snapped. Albus sat up in bed, in a tank top too big for him. Scorpius zipped up the backpack full of clothes.

"You were drunk, and being rude." Albus defended himself. "Where are you going?" He looked at the backpack and watched as Scorpius grabbed his phone and wand from the bed.

"I was being honest, like I always am. You just have too weak a stomach to-"

"You know that's bullshit, Scorpius Malfoy." Albus cut him off. "I know you don't like Harry Potter but you seem to forget he's still my dad."

"You should stop defending someone who doesn't deserve it. Yeah, he's your blood." Scorpius turns to look at him, cold expression in his eyes. He pulls his Slytherin scarf around his neck, tucking it securely. "But you and I both know he doesn't act like a dad."

"Fine." Albus throws the blankets off of him, getting to his feet. His sweatpants fall down around his ankles, hiding most of his feet. "Then tell me you wouldn't have done the same thing if I was talking about Draco like that. Or Cypress." The Potter dares him, raising an eyebrow expectantly, stepping up to the other boy. Scorpius considered hitting him, just to be done with it.

He didn't though. Maybe because Albus had been slapped around enough his entire life. And, even though he hated it, he was right. Scorpius probably would've done the same thing had the situation been reversed. "That's different." Scorpius said softly, taking a step back from Albus to grab his backpack.

"No it's not. Neither of your dads act like it. You'd defend them both. You'd silence me too. Probably without so much as a warning." Albus pokes, keeping the same distance between them by taking a step forward. Scorpius didn't like it, it made him uncomfortable. Potter knew it too. "I get that you run your mouth off. But it doesn't mean I have to always just take it." Albus gestures to the backpack. "Now, where are you going? To the manor? Are you that upset?"

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