no. 58

114 4 6

(What could this chapter be?? 👀👀 No it's not smut, sorry 🤧🤧 also, I might be able to update this week)

No one's POV 

"We sent the jet to get Yoongi, Sir. "
"Thank you, you can leave."

When the butler closed the door behind him, Namjoon sighed. Yoongi was supposed to be the normal one. Tch.

The tall man sat down at his desk, his head tilted; leaning on the back of his chair. He swiveled the chair left to right and back again repeatedly. Namjoon closed his eyes and took a large inhale.

He sat in darkness, the only light came from the window; which didn't provide much as it was raining. The faint sound of the maknae line arguing could be heard as well as the patter of the rain against the window.

Namjoon's peace was disturbed when a knock on the door caused him to flinch slightly. He opened his eyes and looked towards the source of the sound. His crack head of a boyfriend, Seokjin, stood at the door.

"I want cuddles."

The taller's eyebrow raised in confusion. Seokjin stood there in a sweater, Namjoon's, which reached mid-thigh. He had one sweater paw on the door knob while the other was by his side. Soft yellow light came into the dim room from the hallway.

"Yes, bitch. Cuddles."

Seokjin was now upset, his free hand resting upon his waist.  Namjoon, once again, sighed and gestured for the older to sit on his lap.

Seokjin closed the door and did as the other wanted. He sat facing the younger, his face burried in Namjoon's neck.

"You're comfortable."

The older mumbled as his heavy eyelids began closing. Namjoon hummed in response and ran his hand over the other's ass, lightly tapping it. He made shapes on the Seokjin's bare thigh, his long legs milky and soft.

"You're not wearing anything underneath..."

Namjoon spoke, only receiving a quiet snore as a reply. He smiled slightly in adoration. He picked the older up bridal style to carry him over to their shared bed across the room.

He put Seokjin down on the cool sheets, dusty rose hair fluttering over the pillow. Namjoon pulled the sheets over the other and placed a chast kiss on his forehead. He was about the leave the room when he felt a light grip on his wrist.

"Stay, please."

The older mumbled quietly, still not fully awake. Namjoon stood in contemplation before the other started whining for him to lay with him.

"Okay, okay, I'm going."

He chuckled and sat next to the half-asleep Seokjin. He lowered himself down so his boyfriend could use his chest as a pillow.

"Your titties are comfortable too."

Seokjin said before allowing sleep to take him under. Namjoon shook his head in disbelief and decided he should nap as well.

He shuffled a bit to get comfy before falling asleep with Seokjin in his arms.

(That made me soft 🤧🤧)

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