no. 36

128 5 0

Team 10 but gay  

lickityjooni: y'all should be lucky I'm the presidents son

lickityjooni: because there's no way in hell they would've let you out without any charge if I wasn't

blindingbitch: yes, thank you hyung 🗿🗿

rodeosugar: ^

lickityjooni: especially Jungkook 😬

lickityjooni: that boy needs some help

sipmytae: that poor officer 😔✊

ticklemejin: 😔✊

jopmyass: 😔✊

seagulldic: he deserved it

ticklemejin: do I need a hearing aid??

sipmytae: yh 👁👄👁

ticklemejin: stfu

lickityjooni: wtf do you mean "he deserved it"

seagulldic: he tried to hold me hand

jopmyass: he was taking off your handcuffs 🗿🗿

seagulldic: same thing

sipmytae: and what's so wrong with him trying to hold your hand??

seagulldic: I'm not Yoongi hyung, I'm not into that shit

rodeosugar: idk whether to be offended by that or not

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