no. 28

197 8 9

(Quote of the day, "Is this an orgy, or?" 😔✊)

"Baekhyun, what the fuck?!" Jongdae shrieked, smacking said male on the back of his head.

Junmyeon winced at the loud voice, "Shut the fuck up."

"You shut the fuck up."

"What does Shut the fuck up mean?"

Jongin sighed loudly and slapped a hand on Sehun's shoulder, "Nothing you need to worry about, Hun."

Chanyeol listened to Baekhyun being scolded by Jondae, while said person argued with Junmyeon, all while banging his head against the wall beside him.

Jongin and Sehun started arguing because Sehun was asking questions Jongin refused to answer; Lord knows Junmyeon or Jongdae would kill him if he said a word to Sehun's pure soul.

All while the happened, Seokjin stood in the front of the arguing boys with a face palm.

"Uhm, Excuse me?" The 6 boys stopped arguing before looking at the owner of the soft voice.

It was a tall-ish brown-haired male with a confused expression on his face.

He glared at Seokjin before looking at the new people, "What are you doing in my house?"

Another male got up from his seat on the living room couch and stood beside him; hands casually in this pockets but with an intimidating aura.

"Seokjin, first you ignore us now you even bring them to our house? Are you that eager the replace us?"

Seokjin sighed in defeat. "Koo, I came to apologize-"

"Don't call me Koo, Seokjin." The cold tone of the younger's voice made the older shiver.

Junmyeon stood there uncomfortable. The remaining 5 men still sat in the living room were silently watching them, their eyes almost glowing with hatedred and almost; Jealousy?

Jongdae had enough of the quiet and angry looks, so he spoke up. "Hello? Hi, yes look at me please."

He continued when all stares shifted to him. "We really didn't know that we were making you feel like this, we honestly didn't even know you guys existed. "

Junmyeon nodded and spoke up, "You can be mad at us all you want, but please forgive Seokjin. I'm not just saying this because I'm on his side; I'm on no one's side; but I truly think you're treating him unfairly."

When gazes started to soften just so slightly, he started again, "He didn't know he had made you feel this way, but you refused to listen to any explanation he tried to give you."

The idols froze when a tall man, almost the same height as Chanyeol, stood up from his seat. He walked towards Seokjin; who had his head down.


Baby? Chanyeol raised an eyebrow before quickly hiding his expression as one of the seated men glared at him.

Seokjin looked up at the man before the taller bursted into tears. EXO were shocked at the outburst because the man had given such a strong impression. They looked around before realizing all the boys had tears in the eyes or were already crying.

"We WeRe dIcKs, I'm SoRry." The tall man exclaimed before hugging Seokjin tightly.

He smiled before kicking him in the actual dick, "Yeah you tall ass little piece of shit."

Junmyeon smiled before he realized that the tall man in front of them looked extremely familiar.


"oH shIt." Baekhyun exclaimed before throwing himself on the ground, bowing completely on the floor, taking Jongin and Sehun down with him; who scrambled down confused.

"It our Lord and Savior. "

"Our Holy king. "

"The only god I see-"

"Can y'all shut the fuck up. " A new voice said. He had brown hair with green highlights.

"But he's the president's son."

"Yeah, we been knew. " He flipped his non existent hair before rushing to hug Seokjin, followed by the other 5 men.

A series of, "Hyung," s' and, "I'm so sorry," s' were called out during the group hug.

Chanyeol cranes his neck to look up at them before signalling to the others to get out the apartment.

When they had all slowly and subtly gotten up and almost opened the door, a voice called them back.

"And where the fuck do you think you're going?"

"I have dance lessons. Yeah, dance lessons."

"Me too,

Yeah same,

Are you stalking me

Literally me,

Oh wow, we have the same schedule-"

"Bitch, get your dumb blonde asses to the living room and sit down. You need to introduce yourselves."

They hesitantly made their way to said room and sat down on the empty couches.

It was quiet.

Too quiet.

So of course, a dumbass had to say something.

"So is this an orgy, or?"

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