no. 48

119 8 1

(This chapter is kind of deep, but I think it gives an important message concerning recent situations; so please read all of it.)

Pool or not    

lickityjooni: just wait until I get my hands on that dumb little bitch 😤😤😤😤

ticklemejin: Joon, calm down

lickityjooni: calm down????

lickityjooni: are you fucking serious???

jopmyass: just ask him what happened when he gets back

seagulldic is typing...

lickityjooni: this boy better be ready

seagulldic: yo, what's good

seagulldic: I just had the best night ever 🤟🤟

ticklemejin: Joon, be civilized

lickityjooni: Jungkook.

seagulldic: yes daddy

sipmytae: he really thinks its the time to joke 💀💀

lickityjooni: why did I just get a call from Dispatch telling me your were in Itaewon?

lickityjooni: at a club?

lickityjooni: in which you are not allowed to be in at your age?

seagulldic: I can explain

blindingbitch: you better explain quickly, I don't think Joon hyung is finna go easy on you 😬😬😬

seagulldic: we, my 97 hoes and I, went to a restaurant/bar first, right? Right.

seagulldic: and then we wanted to go to a club...

ticklemejin: Jungkook, you're only legal enough to drink here, not be in clubs

ticklemejin: and in any other place, you aren't even legal enough to do either

seagulldic: we didn't know that part 😬😬

jopmyass: I'm curious though,

jopmyass: how did you all even get in??

seagulldic: the bouncer was Minghao's brother👉👈

lickityjooni: okay, fine. But that's still doesn't explain why you were in Itaewon. You were in a room filled with strangers. you don't know where they've been or who they've met.

lickityjooni: and, let me add, not even an hour ago; a case was found inside the exact same club you were at.

seagulldic: I didn't know...

sipmytae: Namjoon hyung, I think you should calm down a little bit

blindingbitch: we understand where you're coming from, but Goo is an adult; so are his friends

lickityjooni: but the problem is, he put himself and his friends in danger! If he just so even had touched the same counter top as another person, he could've caught something.

ticklemejin: Joon, I'm not kidding. Fucking relax.

ticklemejin: We can completely understand where you're coming from, but you shouldn't act like this.

ticklemejin: Jungkook is an adult, Joon. He may be a dumbass at times, but he's responsible enough to take care of himself.

ticklemejin: And the same goes for his friends, which you just so happen to know some of them closely. I know, that you know, they're smart enough to think about their actions.

ticklemejin: They shouldn't have to apologize for anything, but simply be careful from now on.

ticklemejin: so if you could just take a fucking breather, that would be great.

lickityjooni: fine.

ticklemejin: Drop the attitude, Joon.

ticklemejin: you know not to mess with me.

blindingbitch: now that right there scares the actual shit out of me 🤭🤭

sipmytae: hobi, you dumbass

jopmyass: why did you say something 🤦‍♀️

ticklemejin: Go do something productive, Hoseok.

blindingbitch: aye aye captain 😳😳

blindingbitch has went offline!


97 hoes get ass   

seagulldic: did anyone else get yelled at because holy shit did I almost piss my pants 💀💀

achoonice: they suspended us from the next comeback 😔✊✊

guygyu: 😔✊✊

yugsbam: I think Jinyoung ripped off my ear

bamsyug: I cried

yugsbam: he did 🤭🤭

chawoo: this is why I avoid going to public places with you guys 🗿🗿

seagulldic: what happened to you¿ 🤡🤡🤡

chawoo: I got my ass handed to me

chawoo: being 6" doesn't do shit when your hyungs are scary as hell 💀💀💀

bamsyug: ^

hyunjae: the one time I respond, you guys get me in trouble.

guygyu: you can't blame shit on me 😤😤

achoonice: it was bam's idea 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

yugsbam: you can't just throw me under the bus like that bro 😭😭😭

seagulldic: did Taeyong say anything 😬😬😬😬

hyunjae: oh yeah. Yeah, he said something.

chawoo: now I know Jae got his ass handed to him too 😔✊

hyunjae: bingo

yugsbam: abused 97 kids assemble ✊✊

chawoo: ✊

seagulldic: ✊

hyunjae: ✊

guygyu: ✊

bamsyug: ✊

achoonice: ✊

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