no. 40

134 5 0

Team 10 but gay  

blindingbitch: I'm not saying I wouldn't suck jungkook's dick 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

ticklemejin: first of all,

ticklemejin: that's fucking disgusting

sipmytae: but it's the truth 🤭🤭

ticklemejin: but it's fucking disgusting

seagulldic: why are we talking about sucking my dick

sipmytae: Namjoon hyung

lickityjooni: what

sipmytae: would you give jungkook the suck

lickityjooni: no wtf that's gross

blindingbitch: but lick is in your name though 🤔🤔

lickityjooni: that's for different reasons

ticklemejin: 👁👄👁

jopmyass: okay no, that right there is nasty

seagulldic: I'm still confused as to why we're talking about my dick

sipmytae: we were talking about who was the most "Dom" out of the tops

sipmytae: and somehow the conversation moved onto dicks

sipmytae: and then your dick

blindingbitch: we still have more dicks to talk about

jopmyass: 🤧🤧

seagulldic: I rather you not talk about my dick 😳

lickityjooni: for once, I agree with Jungkook

sipmytae: plus, today was the day I found out Hobi was a bottom

seagulldic: he w-what¿

blindingbitch: hold on right there you little shit

blindingbitch: I'm a d/s

ticklemejin: a what

blindingbitch: a Dom/sub

seagulldic: explain, you know I'm a dumb bitch

lickityjooni: we know jungkook, we know

seagulldic: 🗿🗿

blindingbitch: I top while getting topped

sipmytae: did I read that right??

rodeosugar: you dumb fucks seem to become blind a lot

lickityjooni: where tf did you come from

rodeosugar: hell

lickityjooni: okay

ticklemejin: I understand but like,

ticklemejin: who tops you

jopmyass: ;)

seagulldic: JIMIN?!??

jopmyass: OMG NO LMAO

blindingbitch: Yoongi tops me 💀💀

sipmytae: haha I thought I read Yoongi

rodeosugar: you did

seagulldic: you're trying to tell me,

seagulldic: that Yoongi hyung,

seagulldic: the same Yoongi hyung that cuddles with stuffed animals and likes to be the middle spoon,

seagulldic: tops Hobi hyung 🤔🤔🤔🤔

jopmyass: first of all, how tf did you know what he likes to be in the middle spoon



rodeosugar: do you have a fucking problem with that.

seagulldic: no not at all 😳😳

sipmytae: please spare me 😭

ticklemejin: stop scaring the kids

seagulldic: I'm still confused

jopmyass: I see you need to go back to high school

lickityjooni: yes, he does

seagulldic: I'm offended

lickityjooni: 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

jopmyass: Yoongi tops Hobi, while Hobi tops me

seagulldic: Hobi hyung really living the 💯 life

blindingbitch: yes bc I am superior

sipmytae: 🤡🤡

sipmytae: but sliding into another topic,

sipmytae: Namjoon hyung :))

lickityjooni: hell no

blindingbitch: we weren't asking 💅💅

lickityjooni: I'm not going to go stand on the kitchen island naked for you to "inspect my dick"

jopmyass: I hate you guys 💀💀

sipmytae: it's for a science project

blindingbitch: yeah what he said

ticklemejin: a science project on Joon's dick?¿

blindingbitch: I'm sure a lot of people are curious about his dick

sipmytae: we're just helping the people out 👁👄👁

ticklemejin: if I tell you shit about his dick, will you go do something important

sipmytae: yes

blindingbitch: yes

ticklemejin is typing...

lickityjooni: you're not actually going to tell them anything right?

jopmyass: I'm sure he is

ticklemejin: it's thick, first of all

ticklemejin: veiny around the base and 10 inches 🤠

seagulldic: give me a sec, let me bleach my eyes

blindingbitch: the world will be happy to know

sipmytae: thank you, hyung

lickityjooni: omg 💀💀

ticklemejin: yh yeah, now go away

All persons have left the chat except for 3 persons.

jopmyass: nasty?

seagulldic: nasty.

rodeosugar: very nasty.

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