no. 10

576 32 25

Team 10 but gay  

sipmytae: my face during exams


jopmyass: you always stress about tests smh

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jopmyass: you always stress about tests smh

ticklemejin: haha dumbass

sipmytae: shut up you offered to help and then couldn't even answer the first question of the review


sipmytae: okay and

ticklemejin: 🔪🔪🔪🔪

seagulldic: omg a dildo

lickityjooni: n a n i

rodeosugar: what tf

blindingbitch: ^

sipmytae: Kookie's right

sipmytae: anything can be a dildo if you put your mind into it 🤪

seagulldic: 🤪

jopmyass: 🤪

ticklemejin: I rather not cut my ass but go off 🤷‍♀️

lickityjooni: fucking gross

rodeosugar: ^

blindingbitch: ^^

ticklemejin: speaking of 'go off'

ticklemejin: when the fuck are you going to move in with us, Tae and Goo

sipmytae: y'all live together??

seagulldic: ^

blindingbitch: We MovEd iN ToGeThEr 3 WeEkS aGo

seagulldic: oh

sipmytae: double oh

lickityjooni: omg no not the maknaes

lickityjooni: my fucking house is going to be destroyed

ticklemejin: you have me and hobi to clean up every time there's a mess

lickityjooni: if Hobi agrees, then knock yourselves out 💀💀💀

blindingbitch: cleaning is ESSENTIAL

ticklemejin: I knew you were a fellow clean freak 🤙

blindingbitch: 🤙

jopmyass: guys stfu

sipmytae: Minnie you never curse

jopmyass is typing...

jopmyass: this is an important matter

lickityjooni: oh god is it Code 3

jopmyass: it's Code 3

seagulldic: what's code 3

sipmytae: ^

lickityjooni: it's when Yoongi hyung is sleeping

lickityjooni: we made a rule to keep quiet when he's sleeping which is code 3

lickityjooni: but when he wakes up, which only happened once, it's code 3 turned red

ticklemejin: basically meaning, we gotta dash

ticklemejin: omg.

ticklemejin: Hobi.

ticklemejin: carefully put that mug down

blindingbitch: it's Code 3

blindingbitch: my hand can't stop shaking

jopmyass: Hobi hyung, just put the mug down

sipmytae: Goo where's the popcorn

seagulldic: *gives popcorn*

lickityjooni: here Hobi

lickityjooni: give me the mug

jopmyass and ticklemejin: JOON NO

ticklemejin: I'll take it-

jopmyass: oh fuck

blindingbitch: omg I dropped it

jopmyass: we're so dead

rodeosugar is typing...

lickityjooni: OH MY FUCK WE WOKE HIM UP



rodeosugar: who

rodeosugar: the

rodeosugar: fucking fuck

rodeosugar: dropped a mug.

rodeosugar: MY mug.

ticklemejin, lickityjooni, jopmyass, sipmytae, and seagulldic are typing...

blindingbitch: wait what are you guys saying

blindingbitch: I'm supposed to join in 🗿

ticklemejin, lickityjooni, jopmyass, sipmytae, and seagulldic: Hobi

blindingbitch: gUyS wHaT tHe FuCk

rodeosugar: oh hobi

rodeosugar: my sweet, sweet hobi

ticklemejin: see you at your funeral 😔✊

jopmyass: ^

seagulldic: ^^

lickityjooni: ^^^

sipmytae: ^^^^

jopmyass: Jung Hoseok

ticklemejin: 1994-2019

lickityjooni: 💐

sipmytae: 💐

seagulldic: 💐

jopmyass: 💐

ticklemejin: 💐

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