no. 13

474 21 25

Suck this duck  

ticklemejin: Jimminie, give me admin

jopmyass: why?

ticklemejin: pLeasE

jopmyass: okay 🤷‍♀️

jopmyass has given ticklemejin admin permit.

ticklemejin has changed the chat name to: hpy tksgvng

rodeosugar: wtf does that mean

sipmytae: 🤷‍♀️

blindingbitch: ^

jopmyass: ^^

ticklemejin: figure it out dumbasses

seagulldic: Namjoon hyung

seagulldic: please

lickityjooni: the shit I do for you asshats

lickityjooni: here's a clue bc you need to use your brains

lickityjooni: what's today's date

sipmytae: the day after the author's birthday

jopmyass: Tae, the fourth wall exists for a reason

rodeosugar: ^

blindingbitch: ^^

ticklemejin: ^^^

seagulldic: ^^^^

jopmyass: stfu Goo

jopmyass: you probably don't even know what the fourth wall even means


jopmyass: that's what I thought 😤

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jopmyass: that's what I thought 😤

lickityjooni: y o u r e s t r a y i n g o f f t a s k

blindingbitch: haha "stray" ing

seagulldic: #stream astronaut

ticklemejin: jungkook shut up

rodeosugar: ^

lickityjooni: yes, Tae you're right

lickityjooni: but today is a holiday

rodeosugar: oh shit I got it

rodeosugar: you better feed me well

ticklemejin: ;)

sipmytae: feed?

seagulldic: holiday?

jopmyass: OMG I KNOW NOW

blindingbitch: omg me too

sipmytae: jungkook¿

seagulldic: no the fuck

seagulldic: omg Tae we're so stupid

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