no. 42

126 7 0

(I'm going to be posting shorter chapters these next few days until school ends, sorry lmao)

Team 10 but gay  

jopmyass: tell me why I just walked in on Jungkook having a conversation with the light switch

ticklemejin: not surprised but like wdym

jopmyass: he was asking the switch if it liked being touched so much. 🗿

sipmytae: I mean, it does get turned on

blindingbitch: but it could also get turned off 😬

sipmytae: omg wait isn't that rape if it doesn't like it 🤔🤔

ticklemejin: I wish you could block someone in real life💀💀

lickityjooni: restraining order

blindingbitch: yeah, that works

rodeosugar: murder.

ticklemejin: 👀

jopmyass: I mean, 👀👀

sipmytae: don't tell Goo, 👀👀👀

blindingbitch: hell yh, 👀👀👀👀

lickityjooni: my image

ticklemejin: to hell with our son, Joon

lickityjooni: fuck, fine 👀👀👀👀👀

seagulldic: I'm locking my door

blindingbitch: I'll call Baekhyun to pull up with his chopticks

seagulldic: I'll put my bookshelf in front of it

ticklemejin: fuck

rodeosugar: leave it to me

seagulldic: I don't like that.

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