no. 12

468 25 8

suck this duck   

jopmyass: hwihwihwi

ticklemejin: GO TO FUCKING SLEEP

sipmytae: yh why are you awake

sipmytae: it's 3 am

jopmyass: why are YOU awake


lickityjooni: go to sleep or i'll cut you🔪🔪🔪🔪

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lickityjooni: go to sleep or i'll cut you🔪🔪🔪🔪

jopmyass: you can't even cut onions shut up🤡🤡

lickityjooni: i quit😤😤😤😤😤😤

blindingbitch: >:(

blindingbitch: my phone keeps buzzing 

sipmytae: mute us hyung

jopmyass: omg you actually have useful ideas for once

seagulldic: is Minnie on his period or smth like wtf

ticklemejin: yh just mute us ig

ticklemejin: these fuck nuts aren't going to sleep anytime soon

blindingbitch: good idea

blindingbitch has muted the chat.

lickityjooni: y'all are lucky yoongi hyung hasn't woken up yet

rodeosugar is typing...

sipmytae: do you always have to jinx it😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔


rodeosugar: sleep or die

sipmytae: nvm that wasn't as scary as i thought it was abta be

rodeosugar: sleep or get suffocated by my pillow

sipmytae has gone offline!

ticklemejin: i'm taking notes, keep going🤠🤠🤠

rodeosugar: joon

lickityjooni: sir yes fucking sir🤡🤡🤡

lickityjooni has gone offline!

rodeosugar: jimin

jopmyass: i hope you realize im going to choke you to death in your next life 😒😒

jopmyass has went offline!

rodeosugar: jungkook you ain't slick


seagulldic has went offline!

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seagulldic has went offline!

ticklemejin: thank you yoongi

ticklemejin: these notes will do me great justice

rodeosugar: yeah, yeah just go to sleep

ticklemejin: aite

rodeosugar: you ain't jackson 

rodeosugar: stfu

ticklemejin: my fucken feelings you asshat

ticklemejin has went offline!

rodeosugar: finally

rodeosugar: peace and fucking quiet

rodeosugar has went offline!

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