Chapter 36- Sonic's Outburst

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"Amy." Scourge said. He took her hand. "We're leaving."

"Why? Why are we leaving?" Amy asked.

"Because we can't stay here anymore, since Sonic and his friends found us here. So, they already know where our base is at. We need to go find some place new."

"Oh." Amy said. "Right." She said. "That makes perfect sense."

"Yes," Scourge pulled Amy's hand, making Amy follow him.

"Now, where exactly will we be going now?" Amy asked.

"We're going to be going somewhere far, that's peaceful."


"Well, here we are." Scourge said as him and Amy stopped at some sort of empty beach house. "Wow, the scenery is beautiful out here." Amy looked around and saw that they were on top of a cliff. And that down below was the beach.

"Come on," Scourge said. He opened the door. "Let's stay inside for now. We can go play outside later."

"Okay." Amy said. She set her bag down on top of the bed. "I'm going to get changed into something comfortable. I'm going to go change into the bathroom," She opened her bag.

"And why does Sonic want to bring Amy back, so bad?" Silver asked.

"Because he likes--" Sonic covered Tails' mouth with his hand to save himself from embarrassment. "It's nothing," he sweat dropped. "Tails has nothing to say."

"Right." Shadow said. "And we're supposed to believe that it's for 'nothing'." Shadow looked at Sonic. "There must be some sort of important reason that you're not telling us. "That you don't want us to know about."

"Why would you want to do so much for a girl?" Knuckles said. "Unless you--"

Silver gasped, "Oh my Mobius! You're in LOVE with Amy, aren't you..SONIC!?" He shouted. "Is that why!?"

Sonic blushed and looked away from them. He chuckled. "No, I'm NOT! I'm just concerned for her as a friend!"

"I think Sonic here is too ashamed and embarassed to admit it," Shadow said.

"You know what? That would all make total and complete sense now." Knuckles smirked at Sonic. "This is something that Sonic would do. He's shy, when it comes to admitting his feelings."

Sonic got frustrated and made an outburst. "Fine then!" He shouted. "I'M IN LOVE WITH AMY!" He said.

He then looked sad. "I realized I made a big mistake in the past when I hurt her feelings back at that party when I did a prank on her. Then she left and went missing for all those years. And now she's changed and only loves Scourge," Tears poured out his eyes. "It sucks that she's not herself anymore. And I barely realize my feelings for her now. But it doesn't matter anymore."

"Oh, Sonic, I'm so sorry for mentioning that." Knuckles said. "I--"

Sonic wiped his tears away. "I'm going to go get some fresh air. I'm going to clear my mind to go on a run." He said. Then he took off into a blue blur of speed, leaving them behind.

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