Chapter 28- Getting Eggman's Help

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"Well, well." Eggman looked at his secret camera from his base. "If it isn't the pesky blue hedgehog Sonic and his two-tailed fox friend Tails." He said, seeing Sonic and Tails getting off of their plane after it landed. "Long time, no see boys! And what brings you both here to my humble lair?"

"Hey, long time no see, Eggman," Tails said.

"Hello, Egghead." Sonic crossed his arms. He then put his hands out, "We come in peace. We're not here to fight with you."

"You're not here to fight me?" Eggman said. "Then, I guess there was no point in me trying to sneak these robots that were about to attack you from behind."

Right as he said that, Tails and Sonic both looked shocked and both turned to look behind them to see a couple of Egg Pawns. Tails started flying with his tails. "Well, we obviously should of seen that coming. Since this is Eggman. He normally tries attacking us with his robots every time we run into him."

Sonic nodded to him.

Eggman cleared his throat. "But since you two said that you're both not here to fight with me. I suppose, I can do you both a favor and deactivate them while you're under in my presence." He took out a remote and clicked a button that shut down the robots. "There we go. That should do."

He then walked in front of Sonic and Tails. "Now, what can I do for you? What brings you here then?"

Sonic and Tails both looked at Eggman. Then they both looked at each other with the same eye contact and knew that were thinking the same thing. They were both thinking how they had to tell Eggman how they wanted his help to find Amy.

They both nodded to each other as a signal. Sonic started speaking first, "Yeah. The thing is, you know how Amy has been missing for a long time for many years?"

"Yeah. Of course. I would understand why you have stopped fighting me for such a long period of time." Eggman said. "But what does it, have to do with it? She still hasn't been found or?--"

"Well, kinda. Yeah." Tails joined the conversation. "You see, she is alive. But we recently found out that Amy is with Scourge and now has gone to a more darker side of things. She's in an evil team with him now. And she is no longer part of the Freedom Fighters."

"Yes. And look, what we're trying to say is we want to find Amy. We only know that she is involved with Scourge. But we don't know her location. And that's where you come into play. We want your help on locating her." Sonic explained. "Eggman."

"Oh, I see." Eggman said. "You want my help on that?" He said.

"Yes." Tails spoke. "We were thinking that maybe you should create some sort of tracking device to help us track Amy's location. That way, we can find her."

Eggman paused to think to himself and he looked back at them. "Yeah. Sure!" He agreed. "That should work!"

"So, we have a deal? You will help us, right?" Sonic asked.

"Yes, we have a deal." Eggman put his hand out and shaked Sonic's hand. He then smirked at him, "But on one certain condition."

"A condition? What kind are we talking about here, Eggman?" Sonic eyed Eggman suspiciously.

"You will have to give me one chaos emerald."

"One chaos emerald?" Sonic said. "That's a deal."

"Great!" Eggman stopped shaking his hand and let go of it. "It's a deal, then."

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