Chapter 17- Amy in Hands

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"Fiona!?" Sonic appeared into the workshop. "Tails!" He was worried when he saw Tails tied up. "Sonic," Tails said, with his voice muffled behind the tape.

"Don't worry. I got you, buddy." He used his sonic speed to untie Tails fast.

"Thank you, Sonic." Tails thanked him. Sonic nodded his head at him as a response.

"What are you doing here, Fiona?" Sonic said.

Fiona glared at him in disgust.

Sonic saw that she had the chaos emerald in her hands. "Sonic, she broke in here looking for the chaos emerald. I heard some noise and I went to check it out. And she started attacking me and wouldn't leave when I politely asked her to, because I didn't want to fight her. So, I gave her the combination to my vault and the chaos emerald because she wouldn't stop."

As Tails explained that to Sonic, he looked down, being ashamed. "I'm sorry, Sonic. It's my fault, she has the chaos emerald."

"No, it's okay. I understand." Sonic told Tails. "There's no need to worry about it, we can always get it back eventually."

"Awww. Such a touching moment between best friends." Fiona said, in a sweet tone. "Yuck!" She said in digust. "I don't have time for this sappy stuff, I already have what I need. So, I'll just be on my way and skedaddle!" She jumped through the broken window and started running outside.

"Hey! Wait!" Sonic and Tails both said at the same time, realizing that she had gotten away.

Fiona was running with the emerald in her hand. She looked at the green emerald and it gave out its genuine light glow, making her eyes sparkle in awe. 'Finally, I have a chaos emerald. It's so beautiful. Now, I can give this back to Scourge and he will be proud of me. And maybe, he and I will get back together?'

"Scourge!" Fiona shouted, seeing him. "I've got it! I've got the chaos emerald!" She raised the emerald in her hand up into the air for him to see.

"Oh," Scourge said. "That was...quick."

"Scourge." Amy said to him, putting her hand on top of his shoulder.

"Huh?" Scourge didn't know what Amy was about to do.

Her lips opened, "I--" Her face was flushed with a red color and her eye lids began to slowly close. "don't feel so good." Her hand fell and she slowly began to lose her balance and fall, until he quickly caught her. "Amy."

Scourge had no idea what just happened. "Amy? What's wrong? Can you hear me? It's Scourge." He didn't know why she wasn't responding. He began to worry, if she was still alive.

"I won't let you get away that easily, Fiona!" Sonic was seen running while Tails was flying in the air by his side. "I repeat, no one is faster than me-Sonic the hedgehog and gets away with it!"

From hearing Sonic's voice, it caused Fiona to be dead in her tracks to stop running and stand in between near Scourge and Amy.

"Amy!?" Sonic said. "She is with them!?" He was mad, seeing Amy laying down while being unconscious in Scourge's arms. "What did you do to her!?"

"Huh?" Scourge was confused as to what he was referring towards what he had done to Amy. Until, he looked down at her innocent face and blushed. "Oh, wait. No." He was embarrassed. "This is a big misunderstanding! I didn't take advantage of Amy or anything! I swear!" He shouted. "I don't know what's wrong with her? She just--AHHHH!!!"

"Get away from her! She's my friend!" He was cut off when Sonic spin dashed him on his back, making him lose hold of Amy. Sonic then got a hold of Amy, and carried her in his arms.

Scourge fell back and Fiona was startled by Sonic's attack that she started running. "Come on, Scourge! Let's get outta here!" She still ran with the gem in hand and helped Scourge get back up.

"Sonic!" Tails said. "Stop them! They're getting away with the green chaos emerald!" He pointed with his finger to the red fox and green hedgehog both running away.

"Don't worry, Tails." Sonic said, watching them disappear into the woods. "Just let them be. Let them go. They're not hurting anyone. They only came for the emerald, and it would only be a threat if they had stolen all 7...then now that would be a real battle to pay."

"Hmmm, you're right." Tails said. "And we can always get back the emerald next time, like we always do."

"Mmhmm." Sonic said in agreement.


"Yeah, Tails?"

"There's something I have to tell you."

"Yeah, sure. What is it?"

"It's about Fiona." Tails said. "She also attacked me and caught me off guard, by distracting me."

"By distracting you? How did she do that?"

"Well, she uh..." Tails looked down as he was being really shy to say. "She kissed me." He blushed in embarrassment.

"What!?" Sonic said. "She kissed you!?"

"Yeah." Tails said. "I wasn't expecting that from her."

"Neither was I? That's an odd way to distract someone." Sonic said. "So, how was it?" He raised an eyebrow to Tails.

"Sonic!" Tails blushed, being embarrassed to speak about it.

"Alright, alright fine." Sonic said. "I was just asking, if you want to talk about it. If you don't, that's cool."

"Well, it was.." Tails played with the fur on his tails with his hands because he was very shy to talk about the topic of the conversation. "Good. A good kiss. But uh..." he mumbled. "I would feel like a kiss would be really great, if you were kissing the one you love. Not a forced or distracted kiss made to distract or confuse you in your tracks. If you get, what I mean?"

"Yeah, I get you." Sonic said. "It feels really great, when it's happened naturally with no force."

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