Chapter 10- Energy In Chilidogs

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"Wake up, Princess," Sally opened up her eyes to see Sonic near her. "Rise and shine, beautiful. Today is a great shining day!" 

Sally groaned and rubbed her eyes. She awoke from the sound of his voice and of the sunlight shining on top of her. "S-Sonic?" She said. "Good morning."

"We need to go find Amy." Sonic said, gathering up Sally's stuff to put in her backpack. He was in a rush. "Come on, let's go."

"Sonic! What are you doing!?" Sally shouted. "Hold it!" She said, making him drop the backpack.

"I know you're in such a rush and all to find Amy as quick as you can," she said, grabbing her backpack from the grass and putting it on.

"But we shouldn't rush into finding her." She said. "After all, we can't go out adventuring on an empty stomach. We need energy."

"Oh, are you suggesting what I think you're thinking?"

"Yes, food." Sally said. "We should go out and eat food."

"Yeah." Sonic said. "But, where to? And do you have money, Sal?"

"Yes, I do have money." Sally said, taking a  golden colored coin out of her vest pocket to show him. She kept on walking, with Sonic following her. "We could go keep on walking to find a restaurant or something...but who knows how long that would take?"

"Sally!" Sonic's eyes sparkled, as he pointed to a sign. "Look!"

Sally turned to see a sign, and read it out loud. "Free chilidogs, if you beat race with brown hedgehog.

1 race= 1 chilidog
2 races= 2 chilidogs
3 races= 3 chilidogs " she said.

"Hmm." Sonic said. "How about it?" He chuckled. "It includes my favorite food and favorite hobby."

Sally smirked at him, and nodded her head. She was thinking what he was thinking. "You're up for it, Sonic?"

"Yeah." He ran. "Let's do it, to it!" He went to a race course and saw a brown hedgehog.  "I'm here for the race, to win a free chilidog--" He said. He then held 2 fingers from his hand. "Make that 2 chilidogs!"

"You think you got what it takes?" The hedgehog looked like he was a racer, he was dressed in a track suit.

"Yes, I do."

"I'm mighty impressed. You've got some mad skills." The hedgehog complimented Sonic on his speed.

"Well, thanks," Sonic said.

"Here is your reward, as I've promised," the hedgehog came from a booth and was holding two separate plates. "Your chilidogs."

"Gee, thanks," Sonic said, taking the two plates. He walked to Sally and handed her the other plate. "Here you go, Sal. Here's your food."

"Thank you." Sally picked up the chilidog and took a bite out of it.

Sonic took a bite out of his food. "Man, this is delicious."

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