Chapter 31- The Master Emerald |Part 1|

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"Hey, look who it is." A echidna said from afar.

"If it isn't Knucklehead." Sonic walked with Tails to see Knuckles standing, guarding the Master Emerald as usual.

"If it isn't Sonic and Tails," Knuckles had his arms crossed to his chest. "And what are you two doing here? What brings you to Angel Island?"

"It's a long story, Knuckles." Tails said.

"Oh." Knuckles said. The device in Tails' hands caught his eye. "Hey. What is that thing for? Your device that you are holding?"

"Oh." Tails looked down at the invention that was in his hands. "It's a tracking device. Eggman helped me make it. We went to him earlier because me and Sonic wanted his help."

"You wanted Eggman's help? For what? All he does is--"

"We wanted his help to make this tracking device so that we can find Amy with it." Sonic said. "And it lead us here."

"Oh. Wow really?" Knuckles said. "What would Amy be doing here? I haven't seen her in a long time because she's been missing for all those years, Sonic," he said. He then realized what he said, "No offense, Sonic. But I haven't seen her."

"It's alright, Knux. I have." Sonic said. "And let's just say, she's changed all right. She's with--"

"AHHHH!!!" A green blur appeared and knocked Sonic down, making him fall onto the grass.

"Scourge." Sonic said as he was on the ground and looked up at the green hedgehog.

"Wait, what is he doing here?" Knuckles asked.

"Wait, if he's here then that means--" Sonic was cut off when he saw a pink hedgehog appear and hit Knuckles with a Piko Piko Hammer. "AHHHH!" He flew across the ground and fell.

"Knuckles!" Tails gasped. He then got mad when he saw Amy had attacked him. "Oof!" He got hit in the face full with her hammer.

"How did you know we were going to be here?" Scourge asked Sonic as he watched him get back up by himself.

"That's none of your concern!" Sonic shouted. "We're only here to get Amy back! And to stop you!"

"As if!" Scourge said. "She's with ME! So, back OFF!" Him and Scourge both started fighting each other.

"Knuckles!" Tails ran to Knuckles, who is lying down on the ground. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm okay." Knuckles sat back up on the grass. "But you've got to stop Amy!" He shouted. "The Master Emerald is telling me that it's in danger. I think she's after it." He said.

"Huh? Really?" Tails looked at the Master Emerald and back at Knuckles.

"Tails! Hurry! There's no time to waste! Forget about me! Just..GO!"

Tails listened to his words and started flying as fast as he can. He saw Amy running and then he stood in front of the Master Emerald. He stood up in a fighting position. "Back off, Amy! I'm not letting you get the Master Emerald!"

"Out of my way, Tails!" Amy looked angry. "I don't care, if you're my friend or not. I will take you down without hesitation!"

"Fine! So be it!" Amy shouted at him. "I'm not afraid to fight you! Bring it on!"

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