Chapter 41: The Final Verse

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Candle's POV.

I woke up happy. Today was the day before the solstice, but I found myself smiling. I sat up, the room was empty of people except me. Sapphire and Mara must already be down at breakfast. I got up and walked down the hallway, while putting on a jacket. The hallway was cold, Tina must have forgotten to turn on the heat. I walked down to the dining room to find it empty. I went to the kitchen to also find it empty. There was only one other place in the inn where they all could be.

I walked to the back of the inn. A place normal visitors were not allowed to go. There was a set of stairs going up. I took them. They were old and the wood looked as if it had been there before humans lived on the earth. I ended up in a room. It was alight with fire, it was the room that Akoi had used to teach us Fire bending. And soon to be the room the Elizabeth would teach us lighting.

Though there was no one in the room. Surely they couldn't have left. They would have left a note. I tried to contact them through my head, but that seemed to have no effect. No one was answering, everyone's head seemed to be blocked. I started to freak out a little on the inside. What should I do, I can't reach my friends and I don't know where they are.

I turned around to see that there wasn't a door anymore. It had completely gone, almost like the wall had swallowed it. I turned back. The fire pots that sat in each corner started to burn brighter, they started to spit out flames and sparks. My mind started to go off in different directions. I wanted to run back to the door, but the other half told me it wasn't there so I ended up just falling down. I cursed at myself for being so cliche.

The fire got brighter and brighter. I could feel the heat from here. The fire turned a black color and out step something that was glowing. I had to cover my eyes for fear that they would melt. The light was killing me. I could feel the burns forming already.

"It's alright. You can open your eyes now," a voice said. I looked up there was a devil standing there. Her hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail that was held by that looked like a bone band. She had a dark red top that only covered her chest and and a skirt that only went less than half way down the top half of her leg. She had green skin, but her arms burned with glowed embers as did her ankles. Her tail was covered in these burning embers. I looked at her face. Her eyes glowed, but she had a wide smile on her face. And her horns burned with low fire.

"W-who are you?" I asked.

"I am Enya. I come from the spirit world. I thought you would know," she sat down in front of me. I was still shocked.

"Oh... um. Why are you here. Do you know where my friends are?" I asked.

"I am here to help you of course. And your friends? You don't need to think about them right now. What you need to do is convince me that fighting for you will be the right thing," she told me. I finally got into a sitting position versus the half lying down position I was in.

"What do you mean I need to convince you?"

"You need to be able to convince me that fighting on your behalf and laying down my life for you is the right thing to do," she said. I stared at her for a moment then looked at the floor. My face hardened.

"I don't want anyone to lay down their life for me," I said, it was barely a whisper.

"I see, then I should get going," she started to get up.

"Wait," I pulled on her arm. Then let go, it burned.

"What?" she said, it was harsher now.

"I know a few people who are willing to lay down their life for me. But I know their reasons. Why do you just suddenly show up to offer to lay down your life for a person you never met?" I asked.

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