Chapter 26: I will never go to an airport again

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Candle's POV.

I woke up, my whole body was sticky. I was covered in sweat, it was something I had learned to become used to. Though I still hated it. We were leaving this morning and I was pretty happy about it, though half of me didn't want to leave, Maria and Henry had been so nice to us.

The sun had just come over the valley, it was probably just about 9:00 in the morning. I started to pack my clothes up in the bag I had gotten. It had a lot more pockets than I had expected More room than it looked like it had. Though even with the clothes that Maria and Henry bought us I still didn't own much. I had my phone which was starting to get pretty beat up. My tablet wasn't getting used that much, but it was also getting beat up. It really got it's share when we went to the Brazil.

I had read all my books at least 4 times, my notebook had become filled up with drawing and I was at my last few papers.

"Candle, we're leaving in 15 minutes," I turned to see who it was. Mara was standing at the door.

"Yeah, let me get dressed and I will me you guys down at the car," I told her. She simply nodded. Mara had become more and more interested in Spirits after we had all gone to their world in our dreams. Mara had informed me that if Alex was ever to go back his wound that he had obtained would come back if he ever entered the spirit world. I shuttered at the thought, Alex had been told all of this that day and he look shell- shocked after we had finished.

The trail down the mountain I had memorized since we had used it lots of times to go into town. And since I was now an earthbender I simply would just sorta "slide" down the trail. And like Aldo had told me not much we people ever went up the trail. The people who did At least took the trail of the mountain and not stray and find Henry's house.

The car was parked across the street from the trail. As I could see Zach was already in the car and Sapphire was about to get in. Gabe was putting his bag in the bag along with Mara and Alex was talking with Aldo.

"Hey," I said walking up to Mara and Gabe.

"Hey," they both said back.

"So, where are we going again?" I asked.

"Well, earlier we gave Sapphire the letter, and like all of us before it said that we had to go to Japan. That would complete everyone's training, but we still haven't found our parents and my aunt," Mara said, the air around me got cold and everyone's conversations stopped.

"We should go," Sapphire whispered.

We all climbed into the car. Henry said that he was going to take us to a better airport. It would about an hour's drive. The airport that we had come in was the only option we had because we still wanted to go unnoticed by the world.

"Mara are you sure we have gone unnoticed?" I asked her.

"I would be lying if I told you that I am 100% sure," she told me. I had a sudden pit feeling in my stomach.

"What do you mean?" Zach asked. His face was slightly pale than before.

"Well, to say that none if us have used our phones, or to say that we haven't gone down to town. Or even talked to some people outside of Henry, Maria, and Aldo would be stupid. We know we all have done this and if I am correct I could say that they have spies all over the place. Now that we know that it is not just the government going after us but also this darkness is also watching us, I would say that we have been targeted. We have stayed here for months also perfect amount of time for someone to be followed. All I can say is that we better get out of this country as fast as we can. We never know when we could be attacked," she said.

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