Chapter 36: Tina Toma

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Candle's POV.

The city of Tokyo is huge. We have been walking around for hours. We have considered asking someone for directions to this woman's inn. But so far anyone we do ask doesn't speak English. And Sapphire doesn't know a drop of Japanese. Well things could be worse.

It has been overcast all day, and pretty humid. But the over cast has kept the temperature down. There have been a few parks that we have stopped at and tried to regain our wits. Most of the day we have been out. Now we have decided to go to the mountains and test our luck.

"Well, here we," I said and started the long trail that went around this mountain. I had no idea what this mountain was even called. All I knew was that it had lots of trees on it. Or at least at the base of it. Tokyo was far from where we were now. I could only see the lights in the distance. I couldn't help but be a little curious about this island. But I could explore it another day.

"Candle. We have found nothing in the time we have been out here," Zach complained. He was right, it had been 2 hours and we had come across nothing. What we have been doing was keeping the lights of Tokyo in our sight so if we had to run or go back we know where to go.

"Yeah, I know," I told him and kept walking. It was last dusk, I didn't know what day it was. I didn't know what time it was. Or how the time difference worked over here. I knew that we could well into the night because of the time difference.

I could hear thunder in the distance and I had seen a few lightning bolts. But no rain, that was good for right now. All I practically had was some clothes, which can get wet. Then I heard laughter.

"What was that?" I asked. I looked far into the woods to my right.

"What?" Mara said. Everyone had already bumped into me.

"There was laughter," I said.

"Candle, you're hungry. It's your stomach speaking," Gabe said coming up form the behind, and grabbing my arm," we need to go back before we starve."

It happened again, but it was now a lot quieter," there, did you hear it?"

"No, come on," Gabe said pulling on me. Sapphire and Zach were starting to walk back. I heard one last time, but this time it was a scream.

"No!" I yelled and yanked my arm out of Gabe grip. He yelled my name as I ran. I was dodging trees and branches. I was jumping over fallen trees. I stopped for a moment, I could hear my friends yelling my name, but I blocked them out. It started to rain, and the thunder was getting louder.

I heard the scream again. I bolted to my left. Someone was in trouble, and I was not going to stand here. I came upon a clearing from where I stood there was a cliff. It out looked a valley. There was a boy sitting on the edge of the cliff. He looked soaked, but didn't seem to mind.

"Hello," the boy said. He had turned around now. I stood there frozen, rain was starting to go through my clothes and my arms were soaked," hello?"

He came up to me. I still stood there, but I did something I didn't expect I would ever do in front of someone who I didn't know. I broke down and started to cry, I feel to the ground. I couldn't see anything, my glasses were somewhere to my left. I could feel that the boy was freaking out on the inside. His heart rate had increased and he had taken a few steps back.

In the background I could hear my name, it was coming closer.

"Candle," it was Mara. She dropped to the ground and started to shake me," Candle why are you crying?"

"I don't know," I told, but the words came of my mouth in chokes.

"Candle, what happened?" it was Gabe now," Candle, you're glowing again," he was calmer now. I think he had even forced himself to sound like he found it funny that I was glowing.

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