Chapter 35: Japan

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Hey everyone. Let us have a moment of peace for all the books that turned into bad movie.

Candle's POV.

The school had survived most of the explosions. According to Billy the explosions only happened at the main entrance. The explosions on the outside had just been lots of tiny rocks slamming into the walls. All the glass windows made it out with only a few chips.

We had left after we made sure that everyone was okay. Mrs. Poll was no where to be found. Which I was glad. Maxine and her crew started to clean up and get everyone settled down. Since Mrs. Poll looked like she would not be showing up Maxine left Averi in charge.

Averi, now that I could see her beyond her hair. She had light brown eyes that had speaks of gold in them. She was pale and had the nimble hands of an artist. She was wearing some of the best clothes here. Probably because she usually was sitting and drawing. She had showed me some of her drawing. I soon found out that she sucked at animals and nature, but was great at drawing people.

"Candle, time to go," Sapphire came running up to me while I was with Ethan. He was telling me about the low supplies. I promised him that I would help as soon as possible. Then he immediately turned around and told me not make a promise like that when I could die in the end.

"Coming," I said, I bid farewell to Ethan and ran over to my friends. Maxine had told Alex that she was going to stay back and help settle things down before we left.

"We need to go back to your house, and Candle today we are leaving," Alex told me.

"Okay," I said and we ran home.

Zach burst through the door breathing hard," I win," he said breathlessly.

"You got lucky," Sapphire cursed at him. Her eyes were alive with fire.

"Ok, ok. Let's just sit down. I'll get some lemonade," I told them. Everyone seemed content with with so they went to the dining room and sat down. The other parents had either gone out to see if they can get their old job back and others had gone around town to see if their house

was still there. At least according to the letter mom left.

I walked in the kitchen and opened the fridge. And just as I had been looking there was a jar of lemonade. I quickly got down 6 cups and put some ice in each one. I poured the lemonade.

"Here," I handed each one their glass. They were already talking about what should be our next move.

"I need to learn firebending, and so does Sapphire," I said as I sat down.

"Yeah, but where are we going to find a place to teach you firebending? We have only been going places because of what that note said from your mom," Zach said.

"True, we can always ask her when she gets home," almost on cue a face popped into a room. It was sapphire's mom.

"Ask who?" She said.

"Oh hey mom, we were wondering where Candle and I have to go for firebending," Sapphire explained quietly.

"Oh simple. Sapphire when I had moved from Japan I had a friend who dreaded to see me go.

I had visited her many times, but you have only met her once. When you about 5 years old. She owned an inn last time I saw her. I was out in the middle of no where in Japan. In the mountains," sapphire's mom said. Sapphire's mouth dropped open.

"And I just happen to have the key things," Sapphire's mom said, and then she held up a slip of paper. Then she moved her hand and 6 appeared. They were plane tickets.

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