Chapter 38: Each Step

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Candle's POV.

Months had gone by and we had spent every moment learning, going to school, and exploring. I had now been across the whole island several times. Tina had agreed to let Akoi mentor me and Sapphire in the firebending. All of us grew to become great friends. Skya had gladly accepted every time I chose to spar with her. But this time there was someone new.

Akoi had told me that this girl only came every once and a while. She was tough, and was a firebender or as the rumors go. She had never shown up on a day that we sparred. People think she is to hide.

"I think she showed up because you're here," Zoë told me, I looked at the girl. She had these piercing green eyes. I felt like her stare was looking right through me. She knew who I was, so far for the months I had been here no one knew exactly what I was.

She had jet black hair and pale skin. She looked like she didn't get much sun.

"Any volunteers?" Mrs. Torri asked.

"I will fight," the pale girl said. Just like the day I showed up everyone shut up," I will fight the girl with the airbender tattoos."

She got up from the rock that she was sitting on. It had been right next to Mrs. Torri. Everyone was looking at me, and for once I was nervous of what this battle might have in for me.

I walked out to the middle of the field. It had finally returned to it's grassy self after that fight I had with Skya. The girl was already in the middle. She had walked quickly up to it. I could feel butterflies swarming in my stomach.

"Hello, I haven't seen you before. You must be new," The girl said.

"Yeah I am," I told her, trying to keep and up beat look and sound in my voice as some fear slowly wrapped around me. If she was better than Skya she was good.

"I hear that you are one of the hot shots around here. That you can bend all the elements. I am surprised that no one knows who you are. Even after all the teaching that Mrs. Torri has been giving people. She might not even know who you are," The girl said.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Elizabeth," she whispered.

"Can I call you Lizzy," I smiled.

"No," Elizabeth said coldly.

"Aw, well my name is Candle," I told her.

"Odd," she said," I have never heard of an Avatar being called Candle."

I was a taken back and it made me loose my fighting stance. That's when she struck. I saw a waved of hot blue stuff heading towards me. She had flipped her self back and had her foot heading down for my shoulder.

I moved out of the way at the last minute.

"You're faster than anyone here. Skya couldn't even follow. That means you truly have had training. You are here for your last element. Fire," she said. I nodded and then did something I had only done to Skya.

I made the water bubbles again. But as I did this I bent the air around me. I knew that she must have watched me the first day I came. How else would she know about my fight with Skya. As the water moved at incredible speed air followed after. And soon once again the whole field was covered in water bubbles.

"I know what you're doing. I will not fall for something that someone else did," she said. She sent a ball of fire at the one closest to me and then surrounded herself in a cloak of fire. I smiled, I knew she wasn't going to fall for something that Skya did.

Each water bubble blew up. Each reaction went strait for her. She made the cloak more powerful the closer they got. She knew that she had too because each reaction wasn't filled with rock that she through she could melt. No, each bubble was filled with very high concentrated air.

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